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Monday, January 27, 2020

Educational Interview With A Professor Of Psychology

Educational Interview With A Professor Of Psychology Interview 9 (40mins) What percentage of your work time is spent on research? 40% What is your highest educational qualification? PhD in Applied Psychology What is your primary discipline or field of study? Department of psychology, Faculty of arts and social sciences What is your position? In-charge/Assistant Professor I: Could you please give me some details of your background and research experience? S: I did graduation from Lahore College for Women University and MSc in Psychology from Government College. I was awarded K.B. Nanak Buksh Silver Medal, Roll of Honor and Certificates of Merit for standing first in MSc Psychology. Recently I have completed PhD in Applied Psychology from the University of the Punjab. I am teaching undergraduate and MPhil Classes. My research work is in developmental, educational and on social issues, and currently working on psychological articles and also conducting seminars. I am doing teaching and research for 15 years and my administrative responsibilities include being an advisor of psychological society, BSc Coordinator, member of the departmental undergraduate committee, member of the departmental purchase committee and In charge of departmental computer lab. Due to the extensive load of administrative responsibilities my research work has become stagnant. Our department creates opportunities for individuals to apply the knowledge that they gai n out of their academic experiences. I: How is the research work important to this University? S: I think it is the role of a university and the university is in the process of motivating researchers in doing research, but within this institution, I may not put more emphasis on the quality of work, as no one would do research. But if someone can produce a qualified research, it is quite appreciable. When a research is carried out it is important that the researcher should be put under supervision of the relevant faculty member. It is our job to facilitate them with all the essential directions and strategies. I: How is the research environment at this University? N: Our department of psychology gives sufficient chances to work together with the international community. We encourage our students and faculty members to take part in the seminars and workshops it is arranged at both the levels i.e. at national and international every year you can say I: What is the distribution of your responsibilities towards research? N: I have published 20 articles in the HEC recognized journal of social and clinical psychology and currently my two books are in the pipeline for publishing. In my opinion, having publication is a good thing because it can be an evidence for promotion. It is good to realize how these researches can be utilized in the practical way. Some researchers don’t publish their works. Having said that actual is administrative responsibilities, we as professors have high work load so it gets difficult to finish our research work that is why publications are due for quite some time. I: How much incentives you have available for conducting research? N: As social science is a dynamic system, it gives us more opportunities to do research because of its changes. Our thoughts right now may be changed in the future. Therefore the change of ideas can be the research topic itself. We should not limit our projects for studying current events in Pakistan, but look forward to the future or backward to the past, as well as observing other mysterious parts. In fact, the restriction of research is how people utilize research results for their monetary benefits. Some people understand that research in social sciences produces no monetary advantages. Therefore, we do not receive as much incentive as for other disciplines. I: How important is the collaboration with the international scholars? N: International exposure is very important if we want to excel as a nation. We do get opportunities to interact with foreign faculties for academic and research purposes. There are few universities abroad that have collaboration, capacity building and research development association with our university. I: How being an instructor, you judge the research work? N: Research plays a part in everything and we have projects to enhance research knowledge. The dean and administrative staff also support research activities. We have training programs about classroom research for developing teaching and research activities. Academics, which have no time to do research during working hours, have to do research as an overtime job. We encourage academics to do classroom research by beginning with small projects then moving to bigger ones later. We set classroom research training in the year 2004 and gained good response from our staff. We invited a qualified person to be a guest speaker and also did assessments after we finished the training course. We did this after 6 months to see whether academics had any research outcomes or not. We have never stopped helping academics to prepare for research funding. Moreover, at the beginning of May 2005, we provided training courses about how to write a qualified research proposal. We invited a national research er from the research fund regional office to teach and to inform us about the sources of funding. There were so many academics participating in this training course, and at least 10 lecturers who planned to submit their research proposals. I: What are the changes in the research situation from the past to the present? N: I think there is no difference between the levels of education. The level of education academics have, if they are interested in doing research, searching for answer, and utilizing the knowledge, then they have the ability to do research. The level of people’s ability to do research may differentiate because academics have inadequate fields of experience. Individuals who have more experience can see the world wider than the less experienced one. Therefore, the doctoral graduates usually have more knowledge than the lower qualified individuals because they have more opportunity to discuss with their advisors and other people. It drives those individuals to produce more research work, on the other hand when examining the quantity of work we cannot justify the claim that the doctoral graduates have more amount of work than the lower one. It depends on personal interest thus, it can be concluded that lecturers who have different levels of education may have different level of r esearch. Doctoral graduates do research for finding new knowledge, while the lower graduates may do research for utilizing knowledge and researching something that surrounds them. I: What is the impact that you think research can eventually make on your professional development and your institute? N: Psychologists are needed where there is a human factor involved. Our industry needs psychologist to ensure extended support, counseling and to encounter conflicts and then providing resolution. The researcher should not stop creating ideas because if he stops, he may not reach the desired destination of contributing to knowledge. This institute has two main responsibilities. Research is the most important task in introducing new technology and new knowledge, and this can then be shown to the public in the form of academic service. Our institution supports and encourages lecturers to do continuous research projects that bring benefits to institution, agriculturists, other people, and specific private companies who are interested in technological development. Therefore, research is a main duty for institutional development.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Podcast on Power and Control in the Book

Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen and Welcome to Connections in English. I am Frank Weng your host for this podcast series. Today’s topic we discuss the relationship of Power and Control between the novel of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and the film 1984. Power and Control is a strong element within everyday life and is also deeply touched on in the novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and the film 1984.Power and Control is defined as being able to perform and act efficiently with a dominating influence over a population, this theme is not just an element within a story but an issue that is met in everyday life, however Power and Control is heavily related to this particular novel and film for example, the view of a leader taking power all those around them, a person who has complete and utter control of their surroundings due to an elevated status or ability, this can be seen by both big brother in 1984 and nurse ratchet, or the big nurse in one flew over the cuckoo’s nest.The need to control all thought, eliminate any individuality and have all subjects thinking in a similar way, this is present in both texts with the person in control again being nurse ratchet and big brother/ the government Everyone you see has a glint of Power & Control, as going through school you meet bullies who are generally bigger and physically stronger than others, however it isn’t just physical strength. One could have a higher status in society (higher reputation) than others therefore have potential of grasping significant power and control.There are even individuals in this society who are born into a family with heavy power and control, The Mafia is a good example, Role models are depicted upon and are favored toward the person in control. Never the less you may never constantly maintain your power and control, the loss of power comes with the consequence of losing control. The Classic American novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nes t written by Ken Kesey has the aspect of Power and Control heavily impacted into the novel.The Chief is the narrator of the novel and he perceives the ward as a system, however he does not speak and pretends to be deaf â€Å"I had to keep on acting deaf if I wanted to hear at all† this shows personal control over himself. However, Nurse Ratchet or The Big Nurse is the head of the system in the ward as even doctors cannot control her. Harding quotes â€Å" We are victims of a matriarchy here, my friend, and the doctor is just as helpless against it as we are†. This clearly shows the loss of authority and control of doctors to Nurse Ratchet nd how she is in control of the system. However, in order for this system to work and maintain, she creates her routine that is never changed, that is until McMurphy is put into the ward. McMurphy is the one who can escape the ‘system’ and takes personal control, he demonstrates the possibilities the ward members can do a nd encourages them to look beyond the controls imposed upon them and wants them to have fun to feel competent and able to achieve things in the world.An example of this is when McMurphy Sneaks out with the ward members and takes them to the docks and steals the boats and go out to sea to go fishing also allowing one of the ward members to take control over the boat. It seems that the sense of own power and control gives happiness and cures their issues, an example of this is when Billy had spent the night and slept with McMurphy’s friend, as of this he began to stutter less. However Nurse Ratchet using her power and manipulates Billy’s mind ended with the result of him killing himself.Chestwick says â€Å"she grinds our noses in our mistakes† showing the authority and power of the Big Nurse. 1984 directed by Ridley Scott, Novel written by George Owell is the Big Hit Film that has the topic of Power and Control which is closely related to One Flew Over the Cuckoo ’s Nest. It is set in the post war England and it Expresses & maintains Power and Control through the use of fear, physical abuse, and threat of an imaginary war and the use of the new speak. War is Peace, Freedom is slavery, Ignorance is Strength† This is the slogan of the party which is saying that having a common enemy keeps the people of Oceania united, those who are independent are doomed to fail and inability of the people to recognize these contradictions cements the power of the authoritarian regime. Winston works at the Ministry of truth, this is where all of history is kept and saved and is changing history to reflect their current ideology of the party.The creation of new speak is to control the way they spoke used to prevent people from conceding any disobedient thoughts against the party and individual thoughts and ideas. â€Å"Never again will you be capable of ordinary human feeling. Everything will be dead inside you. Never again will you be capable of love, or friendship, or joy of living, or laughter, or curiosity, or courage, or integrity. You will be hollow.We shall squeeze you empty and then we shall fill you with ourselves† This is the main and most visible way through the film of power and control through the minister of Love, ironically this is where the party conducts their torture, mind controlling and brain washing to rehabilitate the misguidance of the citizens of Oceania. After Winston came out of room 101 â€Å"He gazed up at the enormous face, forty years it had taken him to learn what kind of smile hid behind the dark mustache.Two gin scented tears trickeled down his face, but it was alright, everything was alright, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved big brother†. Another clear way that is shown of control is how large screens of big brother are placed everywhere which is the perception of big brother always watching. Power and Control is a powerful aspect and can be used to manipulate others without realization. One flew over the cuckoo’s nest and 1984 is clearly shown of power and control both similar and both different.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

First-Time Buyers Essay

Housing is a common asset that most people regard as their biggest financial asset and the largest make-up of their wealth; the purchase of a house is usually one of the largest investments an individual will make, and therefore lower house prices may encourage more people to consider purchasing housing, serving as a more affordable investment. On the obvious side a fall in house prices will only encourage further demand for housing. A demand & supply analysis will show that the falling prices should theoretically allow individuals who are considering buying a house but holding back due to fluctuations in prices finally take the jump onto the property ladder – falling prices provides an incentive for individuals to make this large investment, particularly as in the long term the value of housing may also increase depending on the state of the economy. While falling prices may indicate a slump in an economy, it provides an excellent chance for people who previously may have not been able to afford a purchase to do so. It is also important to take into account that housing is also a necessity in any part of the personal life cycle, and therefore any fall in prices will create an opportunity and incentive. It also does not necessarily mean that first-time buyers must look to make a large investment immediately; extract two suggests that lower prices may allow considerers to think of renting property as an early ‘alternative’, helping save up for a single cash deposit which would then in turn allow first-timers to climb onto the property ladder. However, as stated in extract two falling house prices does not necessarily indicate a good environment for contemplating investors to finally make the choice of investing; there are numerous other costs to consider such as the availability of mortgages, described as ‘dropping to its lowest level for more than a decade’. The lack of mortgages may in fact serve as a deterrent to first-time buyers, preventing them from climbing onto the property ladder as there are numerous other costs to consider. Extract two also states that lenders have refused to drop their interest rates in line with the governmental cuts, and once again this will only provide a disincentive to first-time buyers no matter how low the price of housing falls. Rising unemployment and cuts in the subsidies budget towards building affordable homes will also serve to undermine confidence in the housing market. While the governmental cut in subsidies towards funding new affordable homes may not have a direct impact on a first-time buyers decision, it is important to note that this policy will contribute to the level of confidence in the housing market, an example being lenders no longer willing to cut their interest rates following suit of the government doing so; the government is offering little support in the housing market and many are therefore not willing to take the risks. The people that will lose out from this ultimately are the first-time buyers who will be deterred from making such a large investment particularly if lenders and the government provide little confidence in this market. Therefore, while the fall in housing prices may incentivise first-time buyers to some degree overall it is likely to only have a limited effect, as many buyers will still be put off by the inability to receive mortgages as well as the other numerous financial costs involved.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Importance Of Entrepreneurship During The World Countries...

A) The importance of entrepreneurship in 3rd world countries: One valuable lesson I learned through this placement that also pertains very much so to international development, is the importance of entrepreneurship in both the first and third world. Entrepreneurship is not the first thing that is taught to the average Canadian student when asked to decide what they want to do post graduating high school. I however believe it should at least be taught, if only to provide our youth with another option to look at after graduation, as a potential career path for them. Entrepreneurship offers people a chance to come up with unimaginable solutions to people’s problems, and provides the only true form of job security in today’s turnover style of market. It also allows people to reach their maximum potential in the workforce because people are willing to work harder, if they are working for themselves and towards their personal goals and dreams. For my four month co-op placemen t I was in a full time entrepreneurial position. Working for myself was such an amazing experience, as everything I achieved was towards my end goal, and the personal development I experienced over the past four months was absolutely astounding. I went from having an average amount of knowledge with regards to personal finance, to having an extensive understanding of the financial industry. In learning the skills, I now can continue to help individuals and families navigate the industry and advise them onShow MoreRelatedRelationship Between Entrepreneurship And The Economic Development Essay1314 Words   |  6 Pagesthe relationship between entrepreneurship and the economic development in Saudi Arabia. Entrepreneurship is the process of managing, organizing and developing a business venture in a competitive environment that is dynamic (Kuratko 2016 pp3). An entrepreneur is an inventor, leader, innovator, and pioneer and most significantly, a performer. 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