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The Relevancy of the Heartland :: essays research papers fc

The Relevancy of the Heartland - Hinterland Distinction in Canada's Economic Geology Until the mid twentieth century, Canada was e...

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Tottenham Hotspur Football Club Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Tottenham Hotspur Football Club - Case Study Example (Google Finance) Most of the revenues of Tottenham also known as Spurs are generated from TV broadcasting rights and ticket sales at its home ground White Hart Lane. Despite the efforts for expanding the team facilities and the stadium capacity the company is yet to make a breakthrough in this respect. The company is headed by Chairman Daniel Levy who controls 66 percent of the team by his investments through ENIC International. (Hoover) Based on the detailed financial performance analysed for the period from the fiscal year ending 30th June 2002 to 30th June 2006, the company has turned around its position during the fiscal year and has made remarkable improvement in the turnover and the pretax profits. The turnover has registered a growth of 28.95 million (2006: 74.14m) which is equivalent to 39.05 percent increase over the past year. The pretax at 27.72 m for the year 2007 shows an absolutely significant performance with the company making a loss of 15.75 m for the year 2006. This has resulted in a positive earnings per share of 4p per share (2006: (1.7p) per share). The company could pay a dividend of 4p per share while it could not pay any dividend in the year 2006 due to the losses the company made. The company's financial performance has been a turbulent one in the five years under review. The company could make some significant earnings in the year 2005, while the company had reported a net loss after interest and taxation for the year 2006. As seen above the company could reverse the position in the year 2007. There has been no consistency in the operations of the company which is evident from the varying ratios as indicated in the above table. Especially despite the higher turnover the company could not earn a good return for the shareholders. This can be seen from the ROE ratio over the last five years. Since the profitability of the company is largely dependent on the gate receipts for the premier league matches and the broadcasting rights which are very volatile depending on the class of matches and the quality of the players, there is bound to be a variation in the revenues for all the clubs. Moreover

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Production and Operations Management (Case Study on Renewable Energy Essay

Production and Operations Management (Case Study on Renewable Energy Technologies Implementation) - Essay Example Energy development closely associated with the development of the economy and thus, the efficiency of energy use needs to be increased to reach moderate energy growth. Renewable energy is one of the ways aimed at meeting increased challenges of energy use and environmental concerns. This offers an alternative of traditional sources of energy for developing countries. Alternative sources of energy help in meeting the needs of customers like the use of solar heaters to produce hot water and even small-scale industries of agro-processing plants. Renewable energy use is promoted around the globe and by studying this case; the researchers will gain knowledge and understanding on how to reduce carbon dioxide and green house gases emission. For this case study, several issues that need addressing include schemes of financing the project, technical testing, and appraisal, transfer of technology, creation of the job and manufacturing of the products. The establishment of this project will bri ng into light the implementation of renewable energy projects by analyzing the causes for the failure or success of technologies and or projects. This case study aims at identifying the possibility of eradicating existing barriers. Hence, promotes the implementation process of Renewable Energy Technologies (RETs). The benefit of implementation of this project bears sanitation or environmental and agricultural profits that will address rural needs of drinking water. The case study project will be able to improve skills, knowledge and confidence of the NGOs in identifying instances in which, renewable energy technologies contributes to the energy needs of developing countries. Secondly, it aims at strengthening the capacity of NGOs for implementation and analysis of RET project. Lastly, it will generalize the experiences and disseminate findings in an international way for other groups to benefit from gained knowledge. From this research, it is evident that, some of the common barrier s hindering the implementation process include market, institutional, information awareness, and financial, technical, social, economic, environmental, capacity and political issues of the country. The greatest problem contributing to the implementation process is associated with the lack of information, skilled manpower and facilities of training respondents. These same respondents also refuse to give this technology a chance to be incorporated into the society. Thus, their lack of social acceptance and participation in local levels is a hindrance to RETs implementation. In order for this process of implementation to be successful, a company needs to identify all barriers and remove them. Some of the actions needed include changing of policies, mechanical institution setting for upgrade and availability of technology, financing, making skilled personnel available, and designing and implementing a framework that accommodate law changes. By critically examining and evaluating existin g problems, the company was able to make the necessary changes and implement renewable energy technologies. The case study also evaluated both direct and indirect effects by using a qualitative assessment approach. Social, environmental, political and other effects comprise the direct impacts of implementation