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Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The North And The Abraham Lincoln - 1097 Words

Civil War The north and the Abraham Lincoln argues that the main reason for the civil war was the slavery, whereas, the South and the confederate state reasoned that the main causes of the war is the state s right and also southerners claimed that they are being treated unfair on the federal tariff and taxes. The southerners wanted to secede from the Union and preserve their right and the northerners wanted to keep the Union from breaking as well as they want to abolish slavery. The Civil War, or the War between the states, was fought on both moral and economic grounds. On the most unique and modern war the world have ever seen, the north won the civil war because of their regional advantages, population advantages, the better strategic approach towards war and the support from the president. One of the most significant advantages the north (Union) had was regional advantage. The Union held twenty-three states, including four border slave states, while the Confederacy included eleven states. The population count was about 22 million in the Union to 9 million in the Confederacy, and about 4 million of the latter were enslaved African Americans. The Union therefore had an edge of about four to one in human resources. To help redress the imbalance, the Confederacy mobilized 80 percent of its military-age white men, a third of whom would die during the prolonged war (America, 655). An even greater advantage for the North was its industrial development. The southern statesShow MoreRelatedThe War Between The North And The South993 Words   |  4 PagesFive years American had their own bloodshed between the North and the South. There is many reason into why the United States had a war between the North and the South. The United States was divided depending on location and personal sentiments. People in the United States sometimes think that this war was only fought over slavery, but there was many reason in why the Union and the Confederate States of America fought. The war was fought on many reason such as the idea of slavery, states’ rightsRead MoreThe War Of The American Civil War1376 Words   |  6 Pagessince the south seceded from the north due to their lust for slavery. The war ended up being the deadliest in the history of the country with over 700,000 people being killed as a result of battle or from diseases that were obtained during the war . The north was better prepared for the war than the south due to various reasons. One was the fact that the north was industrialized, while the south largely relied on agriculture. Being so heavily industrialized, the north was better equipped to fight theRead MoreThe Truth Of The Civil War809 Words   |  4 PagesAnsley Yates Dr. Abraham HIST 1301-41008 22 November 2014 The Truth The civil war was a war fought between the north and the south. The periods of the war went from 1861 to 1865. The ways in which slavery and Abraham Lincoln are portrayed very differently in Nast’s cartoon of Abraham Lincoln and Alexander H. Stephens’ â€Å"cornerstone speech†. The majority of the northern states had a different view than the southern states. Ultimately, the south along with Stephens went against the deceleration ofRead MoreThe Second Inaugural Address By Abraham Lincoln852 Words   |  4 PagesAddress† by Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln delivered his second inaugural address on March 4, 1865. Lincoln delivered his address as the Civil War was drawing to a conclusion and the final ends towards slavery. 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One point McGovern continues to mention is how no matter how bad a situation was or even when people doubted Lincoln, he would take his defeats and preserve. In the beginning of the book, McGovern recounts Lincoln’sRead MoreAbraham Lincolns Second Inaugural Address877 Words   |  4 PagesAbraham Lincoln s Second Inaugural Address In the Second Inaugural Address (1865), Abraham Lincoln contemplates that they, as a United Nation, should reflect on the effects of the Civil War and move towards a better future for this nation. He addresses God and the issue of slavery in order to encourage the Northern and Southern states towards reconciliation. Lincoln tries to reveal his intention by utilizing figurative diction, parallel syntax, and a shifting tone. Abraham Lincoln usesRead MoreThe Year Long Period Of Social Unrest1747 Words   |  7 PagesWar, Abraham Lincoln, was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth, an actor pursuing the revival of the confederacy and the total destruction of the Union. Abraham Lincoln was known to be a hard working, driven man which led him into politics and eventually presidency. Throughout his childhood, Lincoln had grown up in very rural areas and knew of nothing other than â€Å"frontier simplicity† therefore, he experienced little interaction with others (Lincoln World Biography par. 5). As a child, Lincoln experiencedRead MoreMore Than Just A Five Dollar Bill1429 Words   |  6 Pagesleader. In my opinion the nations best leader is featured on our five dollar bill, Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln truly helped change the United States of America in some of the worst times. With President Abraham Lincoln being such a great leader, it lead him to accomplishing many great things. President Lincoln is often remembered for the laws that he passed. The first law that President Abraham Lincoln passed was the Homestead Act. This Homestead Act was passed to help improve the Western

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Trafficking Of The Mexican Drug Cartels - 2235 Words

Mass executions and widespread violence has become a common sight across parts of Syria and Iraq with the recent rise of ISIS, causing the United States to take action and intervene once again in the Middle East. However, closer to home, these sightings are even more common. Just across the almost 2,000 miles-long border between the United States and Mexico, the drug cartels are nearly free to spread fear and chaos and remains almost immune to impunity. Who rules Mexico? Is it the government or the Mexican drug cartels? An overview of some of the past presidencies and the major drug cartels may shed some light into the relationship between Mexico government’s leadership and the leaders of the Mexican drug enterprise. Mexico’s lack of clear leadership and political corruption may have helped establish and strengthen the drug cartels, and done little to effectively carry out the drug war against the kingpins in Mexico. As a result, there is a growing culture spreading throughout Mexico known as the Narco-Culture. A recent documentary on the narco-trafficking community in Mexico shed light on a new trend that is hardly contained inside of Mexico, and is over-spilling outside of the Mexican border and into the United States. They are calling it the American dream 2.0. This paper will argue that it requires more than on-theory democracy to defeat the drug cartels, and it will spark some insight into the impact that the government and drug-cartels had in the Mexican society.Show MoreRelatedThe Dark Side Of Mexico1283 Words   |  6 PagesNarco, a nonfiction book, describes the drug war in Mexico that has continued and intensified in the past couple of decades. Criminal activities of drug traff ickers have resulted in instability of Mexican citizens. Some casualties in the past decade have been more than 34,000 due to the drug war. The drug war is still ongoing between numerous Mexican drug cartels and the Mexican government. Because of Mexican drug war between the Mexican government and drug cartels many civilians have lost faith in theirRead MoreAmerica s Freedom Of Freedom1495 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Since 2011, the Freedom House has classified Mexico as a purple, or a â€Å"not free† country in its annual Freedom of the Press report. The upraise of violence in the country, stemmed from its war against drugs, has threatened Mexico’s freedom of expression and practice of journalism, undermining the foundations of the country’s democracy. During the last 12 years, 82 journalists have been murdered, 18 have disappeared and there have been 33 attacks on media outlets according to the NationalRead MoreMovements Rising from Drug Cartels in Mexico1277 Words   |  5 Pages000 soldiers and 5,000 federal police to the state of Michoacà ¡n to eradicate the drug trafficking. He also fired hundreds of dishonest police officers. The drug trafficking movement is not a new movement. It has been existed for many decades, but now it is expanding further due to the born of new drug trafficking organizations or cartels. The cartels fight against each other to win control or to open new trafficking routes into the United States, on their fights many innocent people die or disappearRead MoreClare Almond Conflict Assessment Report1330 Words   |  6 Pages13000713 The Mexican Drug War The origin of the Mexican cartel started with a Mexican police officer called Miguel Gallardo nicknamed the Godfather who established the Guadalajara cartel in the 1980 s (Hausmann, Austin Mia, 2009). He managed to control all the drug trade and drug trafficking routes throughout Mexico to the US and was the first Mexican drug chief that was linked to Columbia’s cocaine cartel. Since Gallardo there has been a number of cartels; Knights Templar, Sinaloa Cartel, Los ZetasRead MoreThe United Statesstrategy For Combating Drug Trafficking Across Their Shared Border1521 Words   |  7 Pagesworked collaboratively to combat drug trafficking across their shared border. The State Department’s current position on the situation is to to support continued cooperation with Mexico and collaborate on strategies to increase security and create policy measures that strengthen the rule of law. The State Department divides the United States’ strategy for combatting drug traffic king into four strategies: targeting cartels and their operations, aiding the Mexican government in their efforts, improvingRead MoreMexico’s War on Drugs Essay1252 Words   |  6 PagesEvery day the U.S. border patrol has to constantly keep an eye out for the smuggling of drugs by Mexican Cartels. There has been much violence due to this drug problem that has left many people near the border killed and is allowing more criminals to obtain these weapons. A lot of this attention goes to the U.S. because many of the weapons utilized in the â€Å"drug war† are U.S. made and is interfering with trading relations amongst both the U.S. and Mexico. With this current violent situation in MexicoRead MoreDrug Cartel : Drug Cartels1688 Words   |  7 PagesDrug Cartel in Mexico Drug cartels have been an issue for Mexico over a century now, according to Congressional Research Service. This issue had led to assassination against innocent people, many individuals have been threaten, murdered and even kidnapped. In the year of 1940, Mexico was a big source of marijuana and heroin which created these big Drug trafficking organizations that still exist today for example; in Tijuana, MX â€Å"The Arellano Felix Organization†, Sinaloa, MX â€Å"Cartel Del Chapo†, â€Å"LosRead MoreMexican-American Drug War1105 Words   |  5 PagesThe Mexican drug-trafficking cartels are said to have been established in the 1980s by a man named Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo, also known as â€Å"The Godfather†. With the help of Ernesto Fonseca Carrillo and Rafael Caro Quintero, Miguel started the Guadalajara Cartel, which is one of the first to have thrived from association with the Colombian cocaine trade. The two men who helped Miguel Gallardo establish the ca rtel were arrested, so Gallardo, the single leader of the cartel â€Å"was smart enough to privatizeRead MoreDrug Cartels And The United States1688 Words   |  7 Pagessituation in Mexico regarding the Drug Cartels has been an ongoing battle that has taken the life of between 30,000 to 40,000 civilians, cartels henchmen and federal employees. The violence has evolved into something new in recent years. The brutality contributed by the drug cartels could potentially be labeled as terrorist acts. The strong domestic conflict surrounding the drug cartel in Mexico has boiled over the border and into the United States. Illegal drugs enter the United States through variousRead MoreMexican Cartels1044 Words   |  5 PagesB. Attention getter/ Bullets begin flying, armored soldiers and drug cartel members fight it out on the steets killing each other and the surrounding civilians that are innocently just watching as they are caught in the cross fire. Now you may wonder where is this hap pening..Irag? Afganistan? No Its actually just south of us its happening in Mexico. C. I know this because as crazy as it sounds one of my cousins is in a drug cartel and I’ve seen the bullet holes, the blown up buildings, the blown

Monday, December 9, 2019

Equity Market Integration and Currency Risk †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Equity Market Integration and Currency Risk. Answer: Introduction: Value Chain Analysis is the particular process by which a business organization identifies the primary and support activities that adds up to the value of the final products. Therefore Value chain analysis can be termed as the strategic tool which analyzes the internal firm activities and identifies the activities which are the most valuable and helps the organization to gain a strategic competitive advantage in the market. Inbound Logistics- Water is the main ingredient for all the products that are manufactured by New Zealand Juice Limited. The company occasionally faces significant challenges in assessing the particular raw material. The products prepared by the mentioned company uses natural products like fructose corn syrup which are purchased from Australian based suppliers. However things have changed recently and for the last few years the availability of the corn has helped the company save cost on exporting. The company produces apple and orange juices for the consumers. The company depends totally on exports to get high quality apples and oranges from other places of the world. This escalates the cost of the company but the company gains a strategic advantage in the market for maintaining a high standard for its products. Operations- The operations of the company are mainly restricted to New Zealand but as mentioned earlier the company is in the process of expanding its operations in South East Asia and Indonesia has been selected at the beginning. The company will have to establish an efficient network to start the operations there (De Backer Miroudot, 2014). Outbound Logistics- The mentioned beverages company claims to be the number 1 producer and seller of juices across the country. Distribution channels utilized consists of the distribution operations that are operated and controlled by the organization, independent bottling partners, Marketing and Sales- The sales of the company includes products like apple juice, orange juice and a variety of naturally produced juices. The company has to produce extra volumes of these juices to cope up with the demand of the new market. Service- The mentioned company has a proper customer service in New Zealand and thus they have to appoint a customer service team which can easily help to solve all the problems and issues of the customers. The mentioned juice company will have to develop an export based value chain to make sure that the products are successful in the international market. Some of the main steps that are needed to be taken care of by the company include; Process- The management of New Zealand Juice Limited has to make sure to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the internal process. This will help the company to outsmart the rivals in the individual links of the chain and the links in the value chain. Product- Introduction of new products and upgrade of existing products at a fast pace will help the company to be prompt and fast paced towards development. Exporting high quality products to international markets will help the company earn large revenues. Chain- Shifting to a new value chain can be beneficial for the companies. New Zealand juice private limited has recently started producing soft drinks to be exported in selected countries. The shift from fruit juices and drinks can help to get more customers as the options to select drinks will rise for them. Functional- Increasing the value added functions of the firm by undertaking a lots of different activities or shifting the different activities to different links in the value chain. For example from designing to manufacturing or vice-versa. Market Entry Strategy The management of New Zealand Juice Limited has decided to visit the Indonesian market to properly choose an appropriate agent, distributor and supplier in the mentioned country. The appointment of the representative requires utmost care and precision (Timmer et al. 2014). The management must be aware of every single rules and procedure of the Indonesian market and adhere to all the rules. The company has to be patient, persistent and have to make sure to market its products in such a way which will help to make its presence felt in the country. The most important factors that have an impact on the purchasing decisions of Indonesia are the pricing, financing, technical skills and the after sales service. The management of the business organization has to establish a proper training care center to make sure that the local employees of Indonesia are well trained to manage all the operations of the regional business in Indonesia. These training must not be confined only to the employees and technical and non technical labors but should also include the officers and the managers (Touchton, 2015). After a thorough analysis of the market in Indonesia the management of New Zealand Juice Limited will have the idea of its competitors in the local market, the price of the competitive products in the local market, the strategies of the competitors in Indonesia and many more such relevant details. This will be helpful for the organization to prepare its own strategy for marketing its goods and products (Hollensen, 2015). Risk Involved and Risk Mitigation Investment is always a subject of high risk and it doubles or perhaps triples on the chance of risk. But though there is a high degree of risk involved in such an operation companies prefer to take the risk to increase their revenue and their brand name across different countries (De Backer Miroudot, 2014). Investments in emerging markets like Indonesia is one of the biggest risks as the market is fully not developed and there are a number of country specific dynamics that threatens to destabilize the development process of the organization. Some of the main risks involved in Indonesia are; Corruption- Corruption is one of the key factors that lead to the downfall of the organization. The country has been one of the worst performer in the corruption index measured by a number of different organizations. It ranks 88 in the corruption index among the 175 countries that have been considered in the survey. Such high levels of discrepancy indicate the corruption exists within each and every level of the department of the mentioned organization (Guesmi Teulon, 2014). Legal Risk- Carrying out business in Indonesia is one of the toughest jobs of a company. Absence of a comprehensive legal framework and scattered regulations makes it problematic for companies to adapt strategies. The unattractive legal environment affects the business culture of the country. Ethnic Violence- Clashes between ethnic Muslims, rohingyas and other groups of classes makes the place unsafe for business activities. Risk Mitigation is the process by which a company proposes plans and implements them to reduce the various kinds of risks involved within the operations of the organization. New Zealand Juice Limited has in place some specific strategies to address the risk concerns. These include; Avoiding the risk by adjusting the requirements of the program or the constraints that might lead to risks. This kind of adjustment can be accommodated by a change in the funding or meeting other technical requirements. The company has established some teams that monitor the environment for the changes that affect the nature and the impact of risk. Strict control over the proceedings can be helpful to manage the tasks of the business and reduce the risks involved. References Ahi, P., Searcy, C. (2013). A comparative literature analysis of definitions for green and sustainable supply chain management.Journal of Cleaner Production,52, 329-341. De Backer, K., Miroudot, S. (2014). Mapping global value chains. Guesmi, K., Teulon, F. (2014).Equity Market integration and Currency Risk: Empirical Evidence for Indonesia(No. 2014-096). Hollensen, S. (2015).Marketing management: A relationship approach. Pearson Education. Timmer, M. P., Erumban, A. A., Los, B., Stehrer, R., de Vries, G. J. (2014). Slicing up global value chains.The Journal of Economic Perspectives,28(2), 99-118. Touchton, M. (2015). Trapping the tigers: Regulation of market entry and the rule of law in SE Asia.The Social Science Journal,52(1), 8-21.

Monday, December 2, 2019

WARNING-This Is Only The First Part Of A 3-part Book. Essays

WARNING-This is only the first part of a 3-part book. THE CRYSTAL CAVE Stewart, Mary. Merlin: The Crystal Cave. New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc., 1980. 294 pp. Mary Stewart is one of the most popular novelists writing today. She is a lecturer at the college where she got her M.A. and B.A., Durham university. She had 15 books published, and all of them became popular. Although it is accurate, she wrote it merely because she was so fascinated, not because she was paid to write a textbook. The Crystal Cave is a novel, a scholarly narrative, and the first book in her Merlin trilogy. This book covers the period of Merlin's life from when he is six years old, up to when he is in his twenties. She says her sourses were a ?semi-mythological, romantic account written in Oxford by a twelfth-century Welshman,?(312) and Geoffrey of Monmouth's History of the Kings of Britain. In the author's note at the end of the book she explains that the time period of Merlin, the 470's, was ?as dark a period of Britain's history as we have.?(312) Her goal was to make the book as accurate as possible. According to the author's note, most of the names and a little of the dialogue were accurate, but the rest is just educated speculations. There is little written about Merlin, so it is hard to tell if the story is truly accurate or not, and there is also a possibility that he never existed in the first place. In the beginning of the story, the king's brother, Camlach, had just died, leaving no one to take the throne if the king dies. Merlin is the next in line after his uncle had died, being the bastard son of the king's daughter. No one seemed to like this idea, Merlin isn't legitimate for one, and he would never have been a good soldier anyway. On a horse ride, he finds a cave and goes in for a closer look. The man who was living there, Galapas, sees the bats fly out and goes to see why. Merlin hears him coming and hides in a crevice hidden in shadows, but the man finds him quickly. Galapas is a doctor who works in the town, and he convinces Merlin to be take some lessons from him. Galapas becomes Merlin's best friend, and he sneaks out for his lesson whenever he can. Galapas showed him something special about the crevice he hid in. He takes a candle in there, and Merlin sees that it is lined with crystals. He tells him to sit inside and fall asleep. While he is sleeping he has a vision of slaves mining in a cave with a large pool of water in the bottom. When Merlin is on a trip with his grandfather, he finds the cave. He is lead to it by a bird, a merlin, that was chasing a smaller bird, and when the merlin catches up to it, they fall in the brush near the mouth of the cave. He and his servant go in, but the mine had been abandoned years ago, but it was definitely the one. He still didn't know why he had been brought there. Later in the story, Merlin returns from Galapas's cave to find that his grandfather is dead. Merlin's servant had spilled lamp oil on the stone steps, and his grandfather slipped on it, and broke his neck. The king's men quickly murdered the servant, and then all hell breaks loose. Merlin finds his dead friend, grabs all the valuables he can carry, and breaks the lamp, now filled, starting a fire, and runs away. Some spies from the enemy king, Ambrosius, kidnap Merlin, not knowing who he was, or what he had just done. They take him to their king, where he is treated better than he had ever been at home. He had another vision of a man killing a white bull with a dagger. When he meets the king, Merlin thinks that Ambrosius was that man. The king later explains that what he had seen was the myth of the man that was the first king of his family. The king realized that Merlin can be of great use to him as a wizard. Ambrosius later tells Merlin that he is his son. Merlin realizes that the clues were always right under his nose. His mother had named him Merlin Emyrs, which is really