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Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The North And The Abraham Lincoln - 1097 Words

Civil War The north and the Abraham Lincoln argues that the main reason for the civil war was the slavery, whereas, the South and the confederate state reasoned that the main causes of the war is the state s right and also southerners claimed that they are being treated unfair on the federal tariff and taxes. The southerners wanted to secede from the Union and preserve their right and the northerners wanted to keep the Union from breaking as well as they want to abolish slavery. The Civil War, or the War between the states, was fought on both moral and economic grounds. On the most unique and modern war the world have ever seen, the north won the civil war because of their regional advantages, population advantages, the better strategic approach towards war and the support from the president. One of the most significant advantages the north (Union) had was regional advantage. The Union held twenty-three states, including four border slave states, while the Confederacy included eleven states. The population count was about 22 million in the Union to 9 million in the Confederacy, and about 4 million of the latter were enslaved African Americans. The Union therefore had an edge of about four to one in human resources. To help redress the imbalance, the Confederacy mobilized 80 percent of its military-age white men, a third of whom would die during the prolonged war (America, 655). An even greater advantage for the North was its industrial development. The southern statesShow MoreRelatedThe War Between The North And The South993 Words   |  4 PagesFive years American had their own bloodshed between the North and the South. There is many reason into why the United States had a war between the North and the South. The United States was divided depending on location and personal sentiments. 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