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The Relevancy of the Heartland :: essays research papers fc
The Relevancy of the Heartland - Hinterland Distinction in Canada's Economic Geology Until the mid twentieth century, Canada was e...
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
The Relevancy of the Heartland :: essays research papers fc
The Relevancy of the Heartland - Hinterland Distinction in Canada's Economic Geology Until the mid twentieth century, Canada was essentially a horticultural country. From that point forward it has gotten one of the most exceptionally industrialized nations in the world as an immediate consequence of the improvement of the ‘heartland'. To a huge degree the assembling enterprises present in the heartland are provided with crude materials delivered by the horticultural, mining, ranger service, and angling areas of the Canadian economy, a locale known as the ‘hinterland'. The ‘ heartland-hinterland' idea in Canada depicts examples of financial force, to be specific, where financial force and control lives inside the country. In this way, the heartland-hinterland idea recognizes crude material and staple-delivering hinterlands from the capital assistance modern heartland and uncovers the city or overwhelming city of the framework. At a national scale, the Canadian city is Toronto, and the district with the most impact is the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands. However, while huge impact emanates outward from the city situated in the heartland, the connection among hinterland and heartland is one of personal shared reliance. In present day Canadian financial aspects, neither one of the regions can exist without one another, and the prosperity of one straightforwardly influences the other. These two districts show noteworthy complexities, yet they are to a huge degree reliant on one another, plainly proposing that the heartland-hinterland qualification is very applicable as far as Canada's financial topography. After talking about the significance of the heartland-hinterland in Canada, it is important to talk about what each term alludes to. As per McCann the heartland is a zone "†¦ which has positive physical characteristics and award food openness to business sectors; they show a broadened profile of optional, tertiary, and quaternary ventures; they are described by an exceptionally urbanized and thought populace which takes an interest in a very much incorporated urban framework; they are all around cutting edge along the improvement way and have the limit with regards to imaginative change." Literally, hinterland implies ‘the land behind', the region from which a heartland draws its crude materials and which, thusly, fills in as a business opportunity for the heartland's made merchandise. The segment and financial attributes of Canada's heartland are that it contains over half of the country's populace and 70% of its assembling businesses in just 14% of the country's zone. Canada's heartland is southern Ontario and Quebec extending from Quebec City to Windsor. This heartland, involving the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands, harmonizes with a few ideal physical qualities, for example, ripe Class 1 and 2 soils in expansion to moist mainland atmosphere for ideal rural conditions. Be that as it may, the "hinterland areas show harsher or additionally restricting physical attributes. The Cordillera, Interior Plains, Canadian Shield, and Appalachian districts yield colossal asset riches, however their dirts,
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Hydro One – Essay
Hydro one encourages it to examine the dangers and openings in an incorporated way to improve the distribution of assets. It additionally empowers it to get ready for the changing corporate administration prerequisites, deregulation of business sectors and future dangers Like OLL spill and so on. The procedure of ERM at Hydro one includes the distinguishing proof of 50-70 business dangers which are then decreased to ten most noteworthy dangers through meetings and center groups.Voting is cultivated utilizing the Delphi Method to rapidly recognize and organize dangers dependent on the touched off and likelihood so as to concentrate on significant dangers. Five point hazard resistance scale from Minor to most pessimistic scenario Is utilized to gauge the Impact of a hazard on the corporate goals and five point likelihood rating scale is utilized to evaluate the likelihood of the hazard emerging. Every speculation program is assessed as far as the expense and seriousness of the hazard I t endeavors to mitigate.Capital uses are assigned to the organize venture ventures as per the best generally speaking danger decrease per dollar spent (Bang for the buck list). In general hazard score is allocated to every mix of effect and likelihood appraisal. It is a judicious and better-planned procedure for assigning capital as: 1 . It improves the capital use process and can enable the firm to choose an ideal arrangement of activities. 2. It empowers the firm to assign the duty to deal with the hazard to the hazard proprietor while making hazard mindfulness a key piece of organization culture. . The organization FICO score given by S&P, Moody improved bringing about lower credit costs for the numerous as the organization displayed Improvements in effectiveness. 4. The procedure considers the advantages of hazard decrease In a wide array of hazard classes (administrative, monetary, unwavering quality, security, notoriety) and evaluates the subjective effect of different dan gers moreover. 5. It enables the organization to accomplish an ideal harmony between business dangers and returns.Thus, the ERM usage process utilizes an assortment of instruments and procedures, including the â€Å"Delphi Method,†hazard patterns, chance maps, chance resistances, chance tops off, and chance rankings and so forth. It has prevailing With regards to defeating a large portion of the issues as follows: * The utilization of Delphi strategy encourages open conversations and makes supervisors shed their inflexible perspectives and build up a typical comprehension of the dangers. They can agree on the corporate arrangement for proportioning activity and the assets to oversee such dangers. The consideration of top administration is made sure about by embracing that chance administration Is everybody's obligation, from the Board of Directors to singular representatives. The arrangement of dangers empowers the administrative consideration regarding be focused on high ha zard factors. * As dangers are consistently advancing and the greatness and likelihood of a specific hazard is influenced by the Internal controls (alleviation endeavors before) just as the outside changes In the earth. In this manner, checking and revealing are key to compelling administration of business risks.Hydro one occupied with broad surveys and 1 OFF Incorporated outside perspectives In ten corporate rills babble Walt ten Nell AT connects room different sources like workshops, media examines alongside organized meetings with the main 40 to 50 officials together. * Regulatory consistence is guaranteed through a different arrangement of administrative dangers and potential loss of validity. In this way, the hazard based speculation arranging framework has yielded numerous advantages for the firm, yet as the dangers looked by the firm are changing, the organization persistently needs to consolidate those dangers in its ERM framework so as to prevail with regards to accomplishi ng its methodology.
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
How to Write Numbers (With as Little Confusion as Possible)
How to Write Numbers (With as Little Confusion as Possible) As with several other English grammar rules (capitalization of titles, were looking at you!) relating to how to write numbers will vary depending on the sources you use. For example, in AP style, you would spell out whole numbers up to (and including) nine but write the numerals for 10 and above. In Chicago style, you would spell out whole numbers up to (and including) one hundred but write the numerals for 101 and above. Alternatively, you can spell out whole numbers up to (and including) nine and use numerals for the rest.So, is there a way to remember the rules without having to consult a style book each time? Yes, but it depends on the nature of your writing and for whom you are writing. For example, if you are writing a dissertation that follows a particular style, it is best to consult the style book when any number comes up in the text. However, for general business writing, fiction and most nonfiction (unless its technical writing), there are some standard rules to follow, wh ich we will cover here.Rule #1Spell out whole numbers up to and including nine.Examples:Zerofour10110Rule #2Spell out numbers that begin a sentence unless it is a year. When doing so, avoid using and such as One hundred and one Dalmatians.Examples:1975 was a great year for music.One thousand dollars is a lot of money to pay for that watch.One hundred one Dalmatians.Rule #3When you have multiple numbers within the same sentence, consistency is key if the items are in the same category. If the items are in different categories, use numerals for one category and spell out the other.Examples:She bought the car that seats five instead of the minivan that seats nine.I read four books with over 300 pages each and two articles that were 12 pages each.Rule #4When numbers are next to each other in the sentence, it is best to write out one and use a numeral for the other in order to differentiate them.Example:We bought four 7-inch frames.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Classic Study in Social Psychology Essay example - 1176 Words
Classic Study in Social Psychology Erica Mariscal Vigil PSYCH/620 Diana Wheatley 04/14/14 Classic Study in Social Psychology The bystander effect is associated with the phenomenon, which states that when a larger amount of people are present, the less likely people are to help a person in need of assistance. When an emergency occurs, people are more likely to help when there are little or no other people. A summary about this study as well as an explanation of the results and how the concept of situationism relates to the study will be discussed. The Bystander Effect In 1964 the murder case of Kitty Genovese, a woman who was stabbed 38 times while bystanders watched and did nothing to help, caught the attention of†¦show more content†¦The students were then divided into three different experimental conditions. The participants in group 1 believed they would only be talking to one other person; participants in group 2 thought they were talking to two others and those in group 3 were told that they would be talking to five other people. In actuality, the subjects were alone and the voices were on tape (Darley and Latane, 1968). Darley and Latane then decided that most people would interpret a realistic epileptic seizure as an emergency. As the discussions began, the participants heard from the first â€Å"student,†a male, who had trouble concentrating on his studies and sometimes, suffered severe seizures. Then the conversations were switched, in group 1 it was the participants turn while in the other two group s the participants heard from other students before it was their turn. The emergency occurred when the first student spoke again. The first student spoke normally, but then began to have a seizure (Darley and Latane, 1968). Darley and Latane measured the percentage of subjects in each group who left their cubicle to help the student in trouble. They also measured how long it took participants to respond to the emergency. The participants were given four minutes to act, before the experiment was ended (Darley and Latane, 1968). Results The results from the study supported their hypothesis, which they called diffusion of responsibility. According to Darley and Latane (1968), â€Å" As subjects believedShow MoreRelatedPsychological Elements of the Crowd Essays1552 Words  | 7 Pagesevoke worlds of study on their own, let alone the implications of attempting to analyze a collective of such minds. However, the study of crowd psychology is obligatory to enhance knowledge in many a field of study, including criminology and political science. Society’s growth and recession alike hinge on the numerous phenomena we can attribute to crowds, and hence the subject lends itself much importance to examine. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
King Egbert of Wessex
Egbert of Wessex was also known as: Egbert the Saxon; sometimes spelled Ecgberht or Ecgbryh. Has been called the first king of all England and the first king of all the English. Egbert of Wessex was noted for: Helping to make Wessex such a powerful kingdom that England was eventually unified around it. Because he was accepted as king in Essex, Kent, Surrey and Sussex and for a time also managed to conquer Mercia, he has been called the first king of all England. Occupations: KingMilitary Leader Places of Residence and Influence: EnglandEurope Important Dates: Born: c. 770Died: 839 About Egbert of Wessex: Probably born as early as 770 but possibly as late as 780, Egbert was the son of Ealhmund (or Elmund), who, according to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, had been a king in Kent in 784. Virtually nothing is known of his life up to 789, when he was driven into exile by the West Saxon king Beorhtric with the help of his formidable ally, the Mercian king Offa. It is possible he may have spent some time at the court of Charlemagne. A few years later, Egbert returned to Britain, where his subsequent activities for the next decade remain a mystery. In 802, he succeeded Beorhtric as king of Wessex and removed the kingdom from the Mercian confederation, establishing himself as an independent ruler. Once again, information is scant, and scholars have no idea what actually took place over the next decade. In or about 813, Egbert spread devastation in Cornwall from east to west (according to the Chronicle). Ten years later he embarked on a campaign against Mercia, and scored a victory but at a bloody price. His hold on Mercia was tentative, but his military endeavors secured the conquest of Kent, Surrey, Sussex and Essex. In 825, Egbert defeated the Mercian king Beornwulf at the Battle of Ellendune. This victory altered the balance of power in England, raising the power of Wessex at the expense of Mercia. Four years later he would conquer Mercia, but in 830 he lost it to Wiglaf. Still, Egberts power base was unrivaled in England during his lifetime, and in 829 he was proclaimed Bretwalda, ruler of all Britain. More Egbert Resources: Egbert of Wessex in the Anglo-Saxon ChronicleEgbert of Wessex in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, page twoEgbert of Wessex on the Web Egbert of Wessex in Print: The link below will take you to an online bookstore, where you can find more information about the book to help you get it from your local library. This is provided as a convenience to you; neither Melissa Snell nor About is responsible for any purchases you make through this link. The Warrior Kings of Saxon Englandby Ralph Whitlock Medieval Renaissance Monarchs of EnglandDark-Age BritainEarly Europe Chronological Index Geographical Index Index by Profession, Achievement, or Role in Society The text of this document is copyright  ©2007-2016 Melissa Snell. You may download or print this document for personal or school use, as long as the URL below is included. Permission is not granted to reproduce this document on another website. For publication permission, please contact Melissa Snell. The URL for this document is:http://historymedren.about.com/od/ewho/p/who_kingegbert.htm
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Alpine Avalanche in Austria in 1999 Free Essays
The Avalanche in Austria that had killed more or less 31 people in February 1999 has been considered as the worst natural disaster during the past 30 years. The Alpine avalanche smashed into the Ischgl ski resort near the village of Galtuer. What is avalanche? Why it is happening? These two questions provide understanding on the natural disaster that most of us are not aware or are concerned. We will write a custom essay sample on Alpine Avalanche in Austria in 1999 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Snow Avalanche is the speedy downslide movement of snow ice associated with assorted debris such as rocks and vegetation (Definition and Characteristic-Avalanche). Avalanche happens when a bunch of snow becomes unstable; it then releases and speedily down slides either over an open or concerted area in an avalanche path. Its speed even reaches up to two hundred miles an hour and can wield a force strong enough to uproot or snap big trees or even destroy concrete structures. An avalanche may be preceded by an â€Å"air blast†that may also be capable of damaging buildings. Snow avalanche is a natural hazard along with rock avalanche, landslides, debris torrents that are all known as mountain slope hazards (McClung, David Schaerer, Peter 2006, p. 14). These hazards presents serious problems for visitors and dwellers in mountainous terrain though mountain slope hazards are not as destructive as the so-called â€Å"big five†of the natural disasters such as earthquake, floods, tropical storms, drought, and volcanic eruptions. However, the Austrian avalanche in February 23, 1999 that claimed thirty-one lives mostly tourist from neighboring countries were said to be the worst alpine disaster in the world. Rescuers said aside from the 31 people dead, they rescued twenty-three of which eight were injured. Wendelin Weingartner, governor in the western province of Tyrol commented saying, â€Å"this is a catastrophe such as we have not had for centuries. †Eyewitness of the scene stated automobiles were trampled by big walls of snow or tossed like toy cars by the force of the avalanche. One house was sliced off its top floor as if by a giant razor blade. The disaster stranded up to seven hundred tourists in Galtuer but they were eventually flown out by the Austrian army to safety as well as the more or less 1000 foreign tourists. The impact of this avalanche was heavily felt in the village of Galtuer, which was reach, by the raging fast moving snow avalanche in a matter of only fifty seconds destroying seven modern buildings and burying fifty-seven people. The families of the victims were outraged as the village were supposed to be safe from the threat of avalanche. Galtuer was situated two hundred meters from the base of the mountains and is considered safe from avalanche based on the computerized stimulated test showing one in one hundred-fifty year event, would not reach the village. However, the massive built up of snow and the accumulation along the way as it slid down the mountain slope has grown so large at one hundred meters high when it trampled on the village. Investigation about what made the February 1999 Austrian avalanche so much worse than anything previously recorded revealed that from January 20 onwards series of severe storms brought warm, moist air from the Atlantic, which upon meeting with ice cold arctic air, resulted, to a record snowfalls of up to four meters. This was followed by very strong winds of up to one hundred-twenty kilometer per hour, which had increased the depth of snow on the mountains above Galtuer. David Waugh (2000) explains that as snowfalls, â€Å"it often forms two layers separated, as in sandwich, by a weaker layer†(p. 127). The warmer weather at Galtuer at the end of January caused melting and re-freezing until there was a much greater accumulation of snow. Although avalanche higher warning was given three times in the area, but it was quite impossible to predict the exact locations of avalanche with all the thousands slopes in the region. The build up of snow under a weak ground have made that very strong avalanche force that has brought enormous destruction on lives and properties. The February 1999 avalanche, which began at four in the afternoon of the twenty-third with a dry snow slab avalanche, fractured with a width of approximately four hundred meter. Scientist studying the nature of February 1999 avalanche discovered through a controlled experiment that avalanche increased in volume considerably as it moved downhill (Waugh 2000, p. 127). The scientist findings revealed that that the weight of snow that hit Galtuer was up to 400,000 tones and that the avalanche was one hundred meters in height and had traveled at the speed of three hundred kilometer per hour. The disastrous 1999 alpine avalanche has shown clearly that it is fundamental to have proper land use planning to protect mountain villages from the destructive effects of the snow avalanches. Walter J. Ammann, Stefanie Dannenmann, and Laurent Vulliet stated that proper planning of land use â€Å"requires a correct risk analysis procedure which implies the evaluation of the two essential components of risk: hazard and vulnerability†(Ammann, Dannenmann, Vulliet 2006, p. 227). The vulnerability of Austrian structures and buildings against avalanche has been directly correlated to the impact pressure. However, the vulnerability component of avalanche risk is more difficult to assess because of the scarcity of suitable data to evaluate the effects of avalanches on people and properties. Despite of the efforts of the Austrian government to prevent the build up of snow in the mountain area, the incident that challenged the human capacity of creating safety standards against natural disasters prove to be no much against a simple actions of nature. The February 1999 avalanche in the village of Galtuer perhaps can be attributed to the human shortcomings despite of the prior efforts made to ensure the safety of everyone in the area, tourist and local people alike. Based on available literature, comprehensive studies were done on the characteristic and nature of avalanche only after the Galtuer incident happened. This suggest that the village of Galtuer which were assured of safety from the threat of avalanche were constantly in danger as studies done previously were not really sufficient to determine the true characteristic of avalanche. Besides, hazard zoning was inefficient as most of the destroyed houses were within green zoning which dangerous to the threats of avalanche. In this case, the February 1999 avalanche came as a big surprise costing lives and damages to properties. It was apparent that weather was particularly severe in the region with non-stop snowfalls over the duration of seven days accumulating up to 270cm. Local feedbacks about the weather condition estimates that strong winds, which are around eighty to ninety kilometer per hour, produced 10-20 tones of snow in an hour. The testimonies from survivors indicate that they were not at all expecting such tragedy would happen. A British survivor described the scenario as incredible and â€Å"absolutely terrifying†stating that a â€Å"huge cloud of snow†enclosed the village. In his article entitled, â€Å"Lessons Learnt from Avalanche Disasters†Alessandro Colombo stated that people ignored the warning believing that the situations were improbable. The 1999 Austrian avalanche was not a single disaster that happened that particular year as more avalanche occurred although not as disastrous as what happened in February 23 of that year. The two avalanches that successively and unexpectedly occurred have left many people dead and threats of new avalanches continues to bring fears and worries to people leaving in the area and tourist alike. The responsibility of the Austrian authorities is to make protect the safety of the people by enforcing necessary measures that will guarantee their safety. It is clear from this point that the authorities had not done enough to protect the people from the threat of the avalanche. Indeed, the Austrian authorities have been criticized for doing the evacuation earlier. Televisions and newspaper stated that that government should have taken more safety measures for the sake of the safety of the people, even at the cost of tourist business. Conclusions What happened in February 1999 in Austria is grim reminder that man cannot underestimate the forces of nature, which usually strike in an unexpected situation. The case of the sinking of Titanic during a very peaceful condition of sea is a further reminder that authorities cannot afford to be complacent about his accomplishment particularly when it comes to keeping the safety of the people. While the Austrian authorities admit shortcomings, the disaster had already claimed lives and wrought enormous destruction to properties. Although these events happened almost a decade ago, it is important that government take advance precautionary measures that will guaranty the safety of the people even at the expense of tourist industry. While Austrian mountain slopes continues to attract tourist from the around the world, the danger from the threats of avalanche remains. However, it is perhaps safe to assume that the lessons from the 1999 avalanche were already imbedded in the hearts and of the Austrian people. In other words, similar disasters may never happen again with the same magnitude of destruction both in humans and in properties. Reference List Ammann, J. ,W. Dannenmann, S. Vulliet, L. (2006) Risk 21- Coping with Risk Due to Natural Hazards in the 21st London: Taylor and Francis Group Definition and Characteristic-Avalanche http://geosurvey. state. co. us/Default. aspx? tabid=399 Hopes fade to Find more Survivors from Austrian Avalanche (posted February 25, 1999) http://www. cnn. com/WORLD/europe/9902/25/europe. snow. 01/index. html McClung, D. Scaerer, (2006) P. The Avalanche Handbook. USA: The Mountaineers Books Waugh, D. (2000) Geography: An Integrated Approach UK: Nelson Thornes How to cite Alpine Avalanche in Austria in 1999, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Exploring Organizational Citizenship Behaviour
Question: Discuss about the Exploring Organizational Citizenship Behaviour. Answer: Introduction: Organizational citizenship behaviour is an important quality among the employees of the organization such that a positive organizational outcome is experienced in productivity as well as environment and culture. The organizational citizenship behaviour refers to the voluntary commitment of a person in a business organization that is not included in the job role of the person. The organizational citizenship behaviour is a positive initiate for the business organization since the voluntary participation of the employees highlights the fact that the employees have job satisfaction in the role that they are assigned to. There are mainly three aspects of OCB (Somech and Drach?Zahavy 2004). This behaviour is considered as a discretionary behaviour that is done by the employee other than the responsibilities mentioned in the job description of the person (Chen et al. 2013). This highlights the fact that the employees engage themselves automatically in the development of the organization. Mo reover, OCB is carried out by the employees who have already thorough with their regular work. Thus, employees engaging in OCB are highly skilled and expertise in their regular work (Demir 2015). Moreover, the OCB enhances the overall effectiveness of the organization. OCB might also refer to the behaviour that contributes to the non-task related behaviour of the employees, that are also essential in the enhancement of the organization and achievement of the organizational goals. The contributions of OCB to ehnace the positivity of the organization are as follows (Somech and Drach?Zahavy 2004). Since the employees contribute to the developmental work promptly, hence the dedication and diligence with which they work is not forceful. Hence, a positive effect in the organization is observed in the enhancement of the working environment, along with the assurance of achievement of the organizational goals. Moreover, workplace spirituality is also related to the OCB. The positive contribu tions also refer to the recognition of the inner peace and the employee takes up inner life of the employees that is nourished by meaning work at the workplace that voluntarily. Thus, the outcomes of the organizational activities are positive (Demir 2015). OCB affects the organization as well as the employee behaviour positively. The employees experience enhanced performance as well as productivity of the organization. With the growth of the concept of OCB, the positivity and pleasantness of the employees are also enhanced. The success of the organization depends largely on the OCB displayed by the employees (Somech and Drach?Zahavy 2004). As a direct effect of the OCB, the enhancement of the employee performance is observed. As a result, the organizational performance is also increased. The direct effects of the OCB in the organization are the enhancement in the productivity and the environment of the workplace. However, the long term effects are te employee satisfaction, employee retention, lower rates of employee deflection. The overall enhancement of the business and the hike in the productivity is observed, as the employees display spontaneous participant and cooperation (Somech and Drach?Zahavy 2004) Dimensions of OCB The dimensions of the OCB play a pivotal role in the organization and in establishing a strong relation among the employees and the organization. The various dimensions of the OCB that play an important role in imparting positivity in the workplace environment are altruism, conscientiousness, sportsmanship spirit, courtesy as well as civic virtue. The dimension of sportsmanship is an important virtue since it enhances the positivity in the workplace and makes the workplace culture a healthy one. Sportsman spirit exhibited by the employees would result in lesser conflicts among the employees. These virtues displayed among the employees are desirable, since these qualities enhance the workplace environment. The sportsman spirit includes negligence of the trivial issues at the workplace and helpfulness towards the employees (Demir 2015). Moreover, having the sportsman spirit among the employees would reduce the interference of the management in trivial matters. The virtue of altruism re fers to the helpfulness of the employees in order to share the burden of the employees having heavy workloads. Conscientiousness displayed by the employees refers to the virtue in which the employees go out of the norms of the duties to help and assist other co-workers (Somech and Drach?Zahavy 2004). The civic virtue is also an essential dimension of the OCB, in which the employees engage in politics in the business organization. This is done spontaneously by the employees and does not need to be forced or directed by the business organization. The relation between the organizational commitments and the organizational citizenship behaviour is an intense one. With the increase in the OCB, the commitments of the employees towards the achievement of the organizational goals are also increased (Demir 2015). The practical implications lie in the fact that the organization should support moral commitments with the employees, in order to develop a strong OCB. The organizational commitment along with the demonstration of the OCB might affect the organization by improving the quality of workplace life and culture. The commitment of the organization towards the employees is important for the achievement of the OCB among the employees. Since, OCB refers to the behaviour that is spontaneous, hence commitment of the employees result in the spontaneity of the employees (Demir 2015). Moreover, in order to assure OCB in the organization, the management and the organization must display justice and commitment towards the employees in order to receive the OCB from the employees (Somech and Drach?Zahavy 2004). The effect of the OCB in the organization is a positive one, since enhancement of productivity, achievement of the organizational goals as well as employee retention is achieved. The concept of OCB is also a part of the pro-social behaviour. The pro-social behaviour refers to the behaviour of the members of the organization, among the groups as well as with the seniors and juniors, in order to maintain peace and harmony at the workplace. It has been highlighted that OCB is not related to the rewards system of the organization. The employees who exhibit OCB does not expect any reward and incentives (Somech and Drach?Zahavy 2004). Hence, the OCB is displayed without any expectation of recognition. Thus, OCB is important to enhance the business of the organization. Antecedents of OCB The antecedents of the OCB refer to the pre-requisite conditions that are essential for the application of the OCB. These are the job satisfaction of the employees, the perception of the organizational justice, task characteristics and personality as well as leadership behaviour. The job satisfaction of the employees plays an essential role in initiating and enhancing the OCB of the employees. The job satisfaction of the employees is achieved by the satisfaction of the work they do, along with the correct salary paid to them. Thus, as job satisfaction is achieved, the employees take interest in participating positively in various tasks that are not a part of their duty or job description. Thus, achievement of job satisfaction is a pre-requisite for the initiation of the OCB among the employees (Somech and Drach?Zahavy 2004). Moreover, the justice of the organization towards the employees is a determining factor for the initiation of the OCB (Somech and Drach?Zahavy 2004). If the empl oyees achieve organizational justice, then, they might take spontaneous initiatives and engage in OCB. However, denied of justice in the workplace, the employees would not engage in OCB, since job satisfaction is not achieved. The task characteristics that are assigned to the employees need to be within the expertise of the employees. Task given to the employees that are out of the expertise of the employees, would incur dissatisfaction among the employees. Thus, it is important that the characteristics of the work given to the employees matches with that of the skills. Another essential pre-requisite is the leadership behaviour displayed by the leaders and the managers (Somech and Drach?Zahavy 2004). If the leaders are inefficient, then the employees might not be satisfied with their job roles and hence OCB would not be initiated. Thus, the role of the leader is important in determining the OCB of the employees. The personality characteristics among the employees also determine the OCB displayed by the employees. Thus, it might be concluded that, OCB is an important and inevitable for any organization (Somech and Drach?Zahavy 2004). The enhancement of the organizational productivity is witnessed with the display of the OCB among the employees. Thus, the job satisfaction of the employees, result in engagement in the OCB, which results in the enhancement of the organizational culture as well as productivity. It is important for the business organizations to create environment for the OCB among the employees (Somech and Drach?Zahavy 2004). With the commitment of the organization, along with the justice ensured by the business organization, and the employee satisfaction, OCB could be imparted successfully along with increased enhancement in the productivity, and improvement of the organizational environment. Thus, to conclude it might be stated that display of OCB by the employees is important and significant. References Chen, S.H., Yu, H.Y., Hsu, H.Y., Lin, F.C. And Lou, J.H., 2013. Organisational support, organisational identification and organisational citizenship behaviour among male nurses.Journal of nursing management,21(8), pp.1072-1082. Demir, K., 2015. The Effect of Organizational Justice and Perceived Organizational Support on Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: The Mediating Role of Organizational Identification.Eurasian Journal of Educational Research,15(60). Somech, A. and Drach?Zahavy, A., 2004. Exploring organizational citizenship behaviour from an organizational perspective: The relationship between organizational learning and organizational citizenship behaviour.Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology,77(3), pp.281-298.
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Business Law and Ethics
Upper management asks you for advice on how to improve the food safety and quality control situation at Delectables. What would you advise? In business, ethics is taken in three important contexts. First, ethics is concerned with not breaking work-related regulations and laws, in which case, would be interpreted as criminal. Second, is to avoid any activities or rather actions that would result into the filing of law suits against a business organization.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Business Law and Ethics specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Lastly, ethics requires that employees and the management of business organizations act in a way that promotes the image of the business organization and not otherwise (Fieser). Therefore, lack of business ethics in a business organization or company can result to severe consequences for the company or business organization in question. It is the lack of ethics that is the root cause of the tribulations of Georgia’s Delectable food products manufacturing company. Both the senior management and the casual employees at the company act with complete disregard to the ethical requirements in doing business. What the human resources at Delectables need is ethical appraisal and not laying off as many would suggest. The employees need to be trained on ethical and legal issues of doing business (Fieser). The Kantian theory of ethics would be a good point to begin in order to bring change to the state of affairs at the Delectables food manufacturing company. A new graduate hired by the Delectables Company in Georgia has good prospects to apply his fresh ideas in business ethics to transform, bring change with regard to business approach, and make a difference at the company. To begin carrying out his responsibilities, the newly hired low-level manager will seek to have the answers to several questions. These answers will be instrumental in helping hi m or her to effectively perform his/her responsibilities which include improving the plant’s operations, increasing efficiency and saving costs at Delectables. The new manager will have to determine how he or she will introduce the theory and principles of ethics in business at Delectable. Another important question that must be answered would be how to revolutionize or rather improve the quality control system at Delectables. Improving the quality control system will ensure that their products are safe for consumption with reference to the recent claims of salmonella contamination on Delectables food products.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Another issue would be how to gain competitive advantage against competitors such as Prince’s Fare. Lastly and most importantly, would be to determine what business management approaches to apply in achieving these ma jor objectives. The responsibility of the new manager is surely complex and it would be crucial that he blows the whistle in order to be able to bring system change at Delectables. In justifying his decision to blow the whistle, the normative theories of ethics would be of significant importance. These theories include the Kantian theory of ethics, the Utilitarian theory of ethics and the Contract ethical theory. The problems and challenges facing Delectables stem from unethical and illegal activities and actions of the company’s management and employees. Therefore, these three ethical theories of business ethics together with the underlying principles would provide an insight into what needs to be done at Delectables. Most importantly, the three normative theories of ethics will provide guidelines on what ought to be done in order for the manager to realize his tasks of improving the plant’s operations, increasing efficiency and saving costs at Delectables. It would b e beneficial for the new manager to blow the whistle since by doing so he will be protecting the interest of many. The contaminated food items being distributed by Delectable in addition to the deplorable condition under which the food items are being manufactured pose health thread to the intended consumers. By blowing the whistle therefore, the new manager would be acting in an ethical manner. The Kantian principle of ends, emphasizes that individuals and business organizations such as Delectables need to put into consideration the interests of others in all their actions and decisions. This principle prohibits individuals and business companies from disregarding the interest of others and uses them as a means to achieving their intended financial gains (Normative). The others in this case should also be an end in themselves.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Business Law and Ethics specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Lear n More Normative ethical theories and principles shape business organizations and individuals to act in an ethical and morally acceptable manner. Normative ethical theories and principles stipulate what individuals and business organizations ought to do. They explain that the actions of individuals and business organization should be moral and ethical (Normative). For instance, employees and the management of business organizations ought to be honest. The principles of the normative ethical theories are important in assessing as well as justifying the decisions, actions and activities of employees and businesses such as those at Delectables. James Fieser in his â€Å"Business Ethics article†posits that business philosophy advocates for morality in business operations by addressing issues that are concerned with what is right and what is wrong with regard to conduct, actions and activities. As such, business philosophies just like the normative theories and principles of bu siness ethics emphasize the importance of morality in keeping a business company and its employees out of trouble. Trouble may arise due to a breach of the regulations and laws formulated to govern business operations and activities. In the case of Delectables, employees and the management acted in an immoral manner by deliberately releasing into the market contaminated food products. The application of the Utilitarian ethical theory business would mean that managers and employees alike act or rather make decisions that result in as much good compared too other available alternatives. With regard to the Delectable case, they have other alternatives in their operations other than the ones they are engaged with. The act of utilitarian encourages decisiveness as one can not serve two masters at the same time. The utilitarian rule is that an act can only be right if it conforms to the laid down rules, laws and regulations (Normative). The harm principle of the utilitarian theory of ethi cs stipulates that the society has a responsibility and is justified coercing individuals and organizations that act in a way that is harmful to the society. The actions of Delectables with reference to the utilitarian principle of harm are harmful to the society. The society in this case is the intended consumers of the contaminated food products both in Georgia and in San Lopez.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Regarding the signing of the quality control form, it would be against the expectations of the ethics in business. Signing the quality control form would mean the manager’s agreement with the rest of the pack to sell harmful food products. The quality control director at Delectable despite poor work environment improvised â€Å"stickers†method to help with quality control at the company. Delectable lacked a proper food safety and quality control system. The improvised system was equally effective as the director was able to identify harmful food products, those that needed further testing and those which were safe. If the new manager signs the quality control form, he would be acknowledging that all the food products manufactured by Delectable were safe for human consumption which was not he case. It would be immoral and unethical to sign the quality control form (Fieser). In order to improve the food safety and quality control at Delectables, the new manager must fir st look into the potential cause of the problem. Poor employee working condition, in addition to the reluctance of the management to institute proper rules on the processes and procedures of food production are the major causes of contamination at the Delectables food company. The world food program emphasizes that food safety deals with the aspects of food products production from production, purchase, transportation, storage, processing, as well as distribution (Normative). Any activity that does not adhere to hygiene standards and the federal laws and regulations that guide the manufacture of food product is likely to jeopardize food safety and quality at any stage during production and distribution. The quality control director at Delectables was realistically effective in his efforts to ensure that the products released into the market for human consumption met the appropriate standards. His efforts were however sabotaged by the Delectables plant supervisor, the foremen and the casual employees who acted without considering the ethical consequences of their actions. The management of Delectable was not interested in following up whatever was going on in the company. The management should have investigated the allegations of contamination to help them with the improvement of the quality control system. What role, if any, should government play in assuring food safety in the food industry in general? Governments and regional authorities are mandated to formulate laws and regulations, as well as standards to guide the manufacture of food items by companies such Delectables. Both the federal government and the Georgian authorities had the responsibility of ensuring that Delectables adhered to laws and regulations governing the manufacture of food items. This would have minimized the chances of food contamination that is a major challenge to the giant food manufacturer. As Fieser posits, enforcing regulations and laws to ensure food security is an important ro le of the government. The authorities should follow all the actors in food manufacturing industries to ensure safety and quality of food products. The US federal government through its agencies and in collaboration with authorities in Georgia, should carry out regular inspections to ensure companies such as Delectable adhere to hygiene standards to prevent any chances of food item contamination during the process of the manufacture. Governments are faced with numerous challenges in dealing with the challenge of food safety and quality. These challenges include lack of public awareness on issues, regulations and laws on food safety and regulation. Lack of updated food products safety and quality laws is another challenge to the governments and its agencies. Inefficient and weak government inspection and supervision on food product manufacturing companies such as Delectables, contributes to the problem of poor quality food products which are not safe for the consumption of the general public (Thompson Ying 13). Regional authorities such as Georgia needs to adopt effective approaches towards dealing with issues affecting food safety and quality especially those that relate to the manufacturing companies such as Delectables. The authorities must demonstrate a greater understanding of the issues that they face and formulate strategies to help them in addressing the challenges. The federal government on its part must build the capacity of its various agencies mandated to ensure the safety and quality of manufactured food products. This would enable the agencies deal effectively with the challenges that hinder their effective operation in dealing with issue that violate the requirements of regulations and laws on food safety and quality (Thompson Ying 13). Despite the numerous challenges that governments face, they can make food manufacturing industries more socially responsible by enforcing more stringent regulations and penalties on companies that violet the requ irements of the regulations. Governments could also offer incentives to food manufacturing companies that demonstrate high standard of ensuring their food products meet safety and quality requirements. However, governments should not let food companies to regulate themselves. This is because some of the food companies may want to save their costs operation and this might jeopardize the quality and safety of their food products (Thompson Ying 13). What role, if any, should government play in assuring food safety in the food industry in general? According to the normative theories of ethics, product dumping due to their low quality is unethical and is not ought to be done. The supervisor in part C was of the opinion that the company dumps its contaminated food products in San Lopez at subsidized prices. What the supervisor should have done in line with the normative theory of ethics is to propose the destruction of the contaminated food products with the red sticker. Selling of these food products to customers is unethical since they are harmful to consumers (Normative). The food products with the yellow stickers also ought not to be damped but taken back for further examination. Kantian principle of ends stipulates that individuals and businesses should act in away that their actions do not use others as means to an end but rather act in away that others are also an end themselves. According to the utilitarian harm principle, this behavior is immoral and the society would be justified in coercing the behavior of such individuals. By dumping the contaminated food products, Delectables would be causing harm to the intended consumers. It is important that the supervisor puts into consideration the interests intended of the customers in San Lopez (Normative). Advise to Delectables The image of a business company is of the greatest importance. Business ethics require employees to act in a way that protects the image of the business company. By offering to sell sub standard food products in San Lopez, Delectables would be harming the image of the company. With regard to the ethics of doing business, this is immoral. With reference to morality in business, both the government officer and the official from the superstore in San Lopez were unjustified to ask for a bribe from Delectables. Both the scenarios are illegal and unethical. It is impossible for a situation to be legal and at the same time unethical. Works Cited Fieser, James. Approaches to Business Ethics. Web. Thompson, Drew, Ying, Hu. Food Safety in China: New Strategies. Web. P. Fellows, B. Axtell, M. Dillon. Quality Assurance for Small-Scale Rural Food Industries. Web. Normative Ethical Principles and Theories: A Brief Overview. Web. This case study on Business Law and Ethics was written and submitted by user Gabriella Becker to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here. Business Law and Ethics Concept of CSR The main concept of CSR is the relationships of business and the overall society. It is about how companies administer their business process to produce a constructive impact on the general public. There are two aspects of operation to which companies are answerable to; the superiority of administration in terms of individuals and processes, and two, the nature of their impact on their vicinity (Bergmans Cramer, 2003, p. 2).Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Business Law and Ethics specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Stakeholders are increasingly taking an interest in how companies carry out their operations. Most of them look at the poor and superior activities that the company is engaged in. the impact of both their produce is scrutinized in terms of the value it brings to the society. How it natures its employees to further their career and have a personal attachment to their workplace fashions the perceptions of individuals. Analysts use such information to determine the prosperity of the organization and its sustenance levels. CSR involves the continuing behaviour of organizations to conduct their operations in an ethical way, and contribute to financial progress, while improving the worth of life of its personnel and their relatives, and the general society. It is about building competence to promote sustainable living. It integrates cultural differences in the functions and pronouncements of societal issues and equally delivers to the society without any ethnic prejudices. It mostly revolves around operating the business in a publicly responsible way through donating parts of their profits to charity, and by contributing to the development of solid community business. The company thus empowers the society members to create their own wealth in a sustainable manner. This will foster competition, which will overly lead to the creation of more wealth. The process is based on cooperative activities of man in the social order, and as such, it varies depending on the location of the organization (Bergmans Cramer, 2003, p. 4). There will be different values and opinions associated to any given community. Some cultures will deem some actions as socially acceptable and advantageous, while some ethnic behaviour will not. Changes in demographic population may also result in changes on how the corporation gives back to the public. The population may have different priorities and thus will shape the organization’s definition of CSR. The concept may accordingly be distinct as businesses operating in a way that the legal, ethical, commercial expectations that the public has on the company are satisfied in a timely manner. This concept is occasionally hinged on the basis of whether the company does this voluntarily or whether it is coerced (Bergmans Cramer, 2003, p. 2). Companies may integrate societal and ecological concerns in their operations and their i nteractions with the community on a charitable basis, but with a hidden agenda of exploitation. For example, the community may be forced to buy products of an organization because it offers their children scholarships.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The above contributions all narrow down to the point that CSR is about the impact a company has while managing its core principles. Some organizations go beyond managing their own impact to contribute to the implementation of broader neighbourhood aspirations. CSR requires organizations to assume a broader analysis of its errands that not only includes stakeholders, but other constituents as well, counting brokers, workers, clients, regime, green associations and other momentous groups (Bergmans Cramer, 2003, p. 2). CSR is hugely related to business ethics. CSR focuses on the principled, lawful and optional responsibilities of companies while business ethics provides guidelines on the moral conduct of persons and factions in an establishment. Business morals are thus viewed as a division of the broad study of CSR (Barnett, ND). Tesco PLC and CSR Tesco PLC is a leading UK based association which specialises in the food retailing business sector. The company has won rising wide-reaching acknowledgement as one of the most flourishing and highest budding traders in the century (Tesco, 2005). Alongside the recognition, the organization’s corporate social responsibility programs are outstanding in the capacity of its activities, motivation of its objectives and the meticulous nature of monitoring and assessing its initiatives. In Tesco, CSR is not just about avoiding conservationists and other scrutinizing interest groups; rather it focuses its activities in ensuring the satisfaction of its clientele. The company’s executive wants to be assured that other small organizations coexist well in the c ommunity they serve in a reasonable, sincere and accountable manner (MMR, 2007, p. 1). Their activities involve a wide range of issues, including global weather transformations, sustainable use of resources, recycling of products, moral trade, personal healthiness, donations, local sourcing (Tesco, 2005). Their depth of involvement in the above and several other activities are unlimited. Its determination to integrate corporate responsibility in all of its actions is outstanding (MMR, 2007, p. 2). They believe that to achieve thriving future expansion an organization must focus on proficient means of creation with nominal emissions. Tesco encourages and creates awareness to the society on the importance of green consumption. The procurement of new reprocessing equipment and its effort in reducing the quantity of wrapping on its products by 25% confirm their ambition. The company believes that people have to work mutually in communal concerns. Climate change, societal well being acqu iring workers with proper work skills and attitude towards their organization is imperative (Tesco, 2005). The nucleus of trade revolves around how they care for regulars, the populace, each other, and their connections.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Business Law and Ethics specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More These individuals help them define their responsibilities to the communities where their business operates, and creates a tradition and surrounding in which industry strategies bring tangible results. Their philosophy of understanding the value of every little input strengthens their assortment of errands. The CSR of Tesco is to earn the confidence of clients by acting sensibly in the neighbourhoods they serve. The corporation identifies its impact on the populace and thus manoeuvre in a way that feat the benefits they present people. Customers are at the core of everything they do, and by building benevole nce and confidence with them they can earn their continuous faithfulness, which is their chief rationale (Tesco, 2005). The values of the company are reflected in CSR. They discuss how it is indispensable to understand customers, and be vigorous and pioneering for their sake. They ensure that employees have a favourable working environment so that the company can in turn use their strength to convey supreme value for customers. Another value emphasizes on mutual reverence among each other. The company endeavours to sustain themselves through giving more congratulations than disparagement (Tesco, 2005). Knowledge is to be shared, and it is imperative to ask more questions rather than assuming independence of thought. Primarily, it is crucial to take pleasure in work, rejoice accomplishments and become skilled from occurrences. Their CSR strategy is supported by reputable a CSR group which meets on a quarterly basis. Relationship with customers The principal concern is to meet the des ires and expectations of consumers in the 95 stores they serve. The purchaser service staffs are focussed in ensuring the sustenance of a constructive role to customer happiness in Ireland, in order to ensure their continuous loyalty. The company offers value to its customers through providing reasonable prices, merchandise choice, and foodstuff superiority. Customer service and appropriate channels of communication are offered (Tesco, 2005). Its products appeal to a variety of customers through offering wide choices and the development of innovative services and technology which ensure the ease in interaction and purchase. The customer’s expectation of having locally produced foodstuffs is met, subject to aggressive business criteria. They thus have a choice of both domestic and intercontinental products. Staff The organization has employed over 10, 000 people in their warehouses, agencies and circulation centres. It recognizes the expertise and obligation of the staff as th e most vital asset. Drawing and preserving the most efficient staff and making the group gratifying for them define a first-rate employer. There are policies which ensure proper working conditions and endow them with prospects to supplement their profession (MMR, 2007).Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The staff is given regular training and offered channels of giving the company feedback on how they perceive their job and their relationship with the executive. They have policies ensuring proper rewarding and providing benefits for proficient employees in a character of partnership. Employees who may have personal commitments are allowed the freedom to fulfil their other obligations. Community Tesco Ireland has a variety of stores in different forms, for example, supermarkets and local stores. The company is a leading employer of the community members and has a reliable society support initiative in order to capitalize on the benefits they present (MMR, 2007). It forms year-long partnership per annum with a neighbourhood based countrywide charity which supports schooling, disabled individuals, and healthcare. This is thus the main focus for fundraising activities in the year. The participating charities have recorded more gains as a result of the increased awareness. Ventures and programmes, which are near their stores are amply supported. Suppliers The group forms sturdy dealings in the supply chain, to ensure growth of both sectors. Tesco understands the importance of contributing to countrywide conferences on matters related to their trade (Tesco, 2005). Whenever possible, the company stocks products from local suppliers of all sizes. Open and transparent associations are maintained in the supply chain. The company is dedicated in honestly cataloguing products so that consumers can make well-versed verdicts when purchasing. There are unvarying and open means of contact which ensure fair and ethical means of effecting production. Environment The company is determined to guard the surroundings by following courses to reduce their impact. Meeting the requirements of the current generation without compromising that of upcoming generations is a main concern (MMR, 2007). This is achieved through conforming with all policies and conventions which relate to the e nvironment. The finest inexpensively available machinery and structures incessantly scrutinize the impact they create. The use of materials and power is minimised while scarce resources are not used in the fabrication. The 3R principle is applied in the organization of merchandise and their wrapping. Environmentally yielding dumping systems for products they use is employed. Still, training packages are given to staff to ensure that they are conversant with environmental issues (Tesco, 2005). The importance of CSR Individuals and business organizations are aware of the importance of CSR. Traditionally, CSR has determined the triumph of several organizations (Botten, 2009, p.17). Through CSR, an organization finds more business opportunities by building the skills of its workforce, improving the community and fostering economic augmentation in the nation state. It empowers a business with the aptitude to anticipate and make pronouncements. Investors usually base their decisions on th e social and environmental performance criteria of organizations. The company is thus viewed from a commerce standpoint rather than as a foundation. Further, the trade shifts from just making monetary proceeds to making sustainable profits (Bergmans Cramer, 2003, p. 2). CSR helps an organization distinguish the different interest groups and stakeholder. It is presently used as a management tool rather than a stylish statement. Their relationship with customers, suppliers and the society is thus easily defined through implementation of such a program. Having a corporate social guiding principle and a responsible attitude towards their stakeholder provides positive results for the organization. Through working with the community, families, and the workforce, the quality of life of every party is improved. When organizations participate in charity activities, the morale of employees is boosted, and their engagement with customers is increased. There are several intangible benefits ass ociated to corporate social responsibility which give the organization the necessary competitive edge. The company’s reputation is one of these benefits which eventually bring in trust, constancy, intelligibility and trustworthiness (Botten, 2009, p.16). When these are developed, the customers are retained: retention of customers means sustainability of the company. Contributions of CSR to corporate strategy (CS) CSR is a necessary component in the corporate strategies of a company. CS is the company’s approach to its general direction in terms of growth and the execution of its various dealings and supply lines (Barth Wolff, 2009). Companies whose returns are going down utilize CSR as a reactive stratagem. This enables them gain poise wherever they function. This is usually after they realise the cost of discharging CSR is cheaper compared to the amounts of profits they are not getting. It is usually seen as an opportunity to build their image. Organizations, which m ay be keen to attracting media interest, employ this strategy in order to get the basic public consideration. Such an image is necessary for business, but it is usually emphasized by analysts that it should be a continuous process in order to ensure prosperity and future success of the business. Other corporate use this strategy in environmental issues, not only to protect the ecology, but to save also on operating costs through the use of efficient methods of production. It also enables them to comply easily to set laws. Relevant authorities who monitor such issues are also less likely to follow up on the activities of institutions with a reputable CSR. Businesses are faced with the challenge of competition in the present world. Identifying social issues which bring about competition are thus part of the agenda of companies (Barth Wolff, 2009). Social concern is thus seen as an opportunity to relate with its consumers in a way that they will retain them and reduce the opposition l evels. Conclusion Critics have argued that taking on ethical and common issues is not cost-effectively feasible (Barth Wolff, 2009). They elucidate that associations ought to revolve around money-making and leave communal tasks to the germane organizations. Assuming such errands places these organizations at a drawback compared to the organizations which do not observe CSR. The corporate world is not well equipped to handle such responsibilities, as there are other organizations whose main objective is showing social responsibility (Bergmans Cramer, 2003, p. 2). However, it is in the interest of such organizations as it has proven to ensure their prosperity and decrease government interference in its activities. List of References Barnett, T. ND, Corporate social responsibility, Encyclopedia for business, 2nd ed. Web. Barth, R. Wolff, F., 2009, corporate social responsibility in Europe: rhetoric and realities, Edward Elgar publishing, Massachusetts. Bergmans, F. Cramer, J., 2 003, learning about social corporate responsibility: the Dutch Experience, IOS press, Amsterdam. Botten, N., 2009, enterprise strategy, Butterworth-Heinemann, Massachusetts. MMR, 2007, Lucy Neville-Rolfe: Corporate and Legal Affairs Director, Tesco PLC, Food industry, BNET. Web. Tesco, 2005, Welcome to our corporate social responsibility review 2005. TESCO. Web. This report on Business Law and Ethics was written and submitted by user Alessandra O. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Biological Determinism essays
Biological Determinism essays There are many ideas about human intelligence and a person's place in the world. It is interesting to look at an article about these ideas, and determine what thoughts the author is trying to convey. This article explored how the concepts of pre-determinism began as far back as the times of Socrates. It showed that while he did not feel the current generation could be swayed to his ideas, if he started influencing the younger generations, then his ideas would continue on The author pointed out that while many scientists rely on previous data as fact, few take the time to double check the numbers or results. They conduct their research on these previous findings, thus possibly continuing the cycle of misinformation. The article was found to be interesting for a number of reasons. It illustrated how entire civilizations can be persuaded to believe in biological determination by just introducing one concept and proclaiming it The author showed the two ways a persons' intelligence has been measured in the past, while also showing how current data is influenced by these past measurement methods. In the nineteenth century, a persons' skull size was an indication of their intelligence and place in society. Because women had small skulls, they were not considered to be intellectually equal to men. Scientists began to use a numerical system in which to gauge a persons' intelligence level. However, it was pointed out that these numbers were not reliable and could be influenced by various The author demonstrated how prejudges have existed for thousands of years, and were not always due to color or race. The earliest prejudges were actually due to rank among the classes of people. Citizens were brainwashed into believing they were predisposed to be in a particular ...
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Tottenham Hotspur Football Club Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Tottenham Hotspur Football Club - Case Study Example (Google Finance) Most of the revenues of Tottenham also known as Spurs are generated from TV broadcasting rights and ticket sales at its home ground White Hart Lane. Despite the efforts for expanding the team facilities and the stadium capacity the company is yet to make a breakthrough in this respect. The company is headed by Chairman Daniel Levy who controls 66 percent of the team by his investments through ENIC International. (Hoover) Based on the detailed financial performance analysed for the period from the fiscal year ending 30th June 2002 to 30th June 2006, the company has turned around its position during the fiscal year and has made remarkable improvement in the turnover and the pretax profits. The turnover has registered a growth of 28.95 million (2006: 74.14m) which is equivalent to 39.05 percent increase over the past year. The pretax at 27.72 m for the year 2007 shows an absolutely significant performance with the company making a loss of 15.75 m for the year 2006. This has resulted in a positive earnings per share of 4p per share (2006: (1.7p) per share). The company could pay a dividend of 4p per share while it could not pay any dividend in the year 2006 due to the losses the company made. The company's financial performance has been a turbulent one in the five years under review. The company could make some significant earnings in the year 2005, while the company had reported a net loss after interest and taxation for the year 2006. As seen above the company could reverse the position in the year 2007. There has been no consistency in the operations of the company which is evident from the varying ratios as indicated in the above table. Especially despite the higher turnover the company could not earn a good return for the shareholders. This can be seen from the ROE ratio over the last five years. Since the profitability of the company is largely dependent on the gate receipts for the premier league matches and the broadcasting rights which are very volatile depending on the class of matches and the quality of the players, there is bound to be a variation in the revenues for all the clubs. Moreover
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Production and Operations Management (Case Study on Renewable Energy Essay
Production and Operations Management (Case Study on Renewable Energy Technologies Implementation) - Essay Example Energy development closely associated with the development of the economy and thus, the efficiency of energy use needs to be increased to reach moderate energy growth. Renewable energy is one of the ways aimed at meeting increased challenges of energy use and environmental concerns. This offers an alternative of traditional sources of energy for developing countries. Alternative sources of energy help in meeting the needs of customers like the use of solar heaters to produce hot water and even small-scale industries of agro-processing plants. Renewable energy use is promoted around the globe and by studying this case; the researchers will gain knowledge and understanding on how to reduce carbon dioxide and green house gases emission. For this case study, several issues that need addressing include schemes of financing the project, technical testing, and appraisal, transfer of technology, creation of the job and manufacturing of the products. The establishment of this project will bri ng into light the implementation of renewable energy projects by analyzing the causes for the failure or success of technologies and or projects. This case study aims at identifying the possibility of eradicating existing barriers. Hence, promotes the implementation process of Renewable Energy Technologies (RETs). The benefit of implementation of this project bears sanitation or environmental and agricultural profits that will address rural needs of drinking water. The case study project will be able to improve skills, knowledge and confidence of the NGOs in identifying instances in which, renewable energy technologies contributes to the energy needs of developing countries. Secondly, it aims at strengthening the capacity of NGOs for implementation and analysis of RET project. Lastly, it will generalize the experiences and disseminate findings in an international way for other groups to benefit from gained knowledge. From this research, it is evident that, some of the common barrier s hindering the implementation process include market, institutional, information awareness, and financial, technical, social, economic, environmental, capacity and political issues of the country. The greatest problem contributing to the implementation process is associated with the lack of information, skilled manpower and facilities of training respondents. These same respondents also refuse to give this technology a chance to be incorporated into the society. Thus, their lack of social acceptance and participation in local levels is a hindrance to RETs implementation. In order for this process of implementation to be successful, a company needs to identify all barriers and remove them. Some of the actions needed include changing of policies, mechanical institution setting for upgrade and availability of technology, financing, making skilled personnel available, and designing and implementing a framework that accommodate law changes. By critically examining and evaluating existin g problems, the company was able to make the necessary changes and implement renewable energy technologies. The case study also evaluated both direct and indirect effects by using a qualitative assessment approach. Social, environmental, political and other effects comprise the direct impacts of implementation
Monday, January 27, 2020
Educational Interview With A Professor Of Psychology
Educational Interview With A Professor Of Psychology Interview 9 (40mins) What percentage of your work time is spent on research? 40% What is your highest educational qualification? PhD in Applied Psychology What is your primary discipline or field of study? Department of psychology, Faculty of arts and social sciences What is your position? In-charge/Assistant Professor I: Could you please give me some details of your background and research experience? S: I did graduation from Lahore College for Women University and MSc in Psychology from Government College. I was awarded K.B. Nanak Buksh Silver Medal, Roll of Honor and Certificates of Merit for standing first in MSc Psychology. Recently I have completed PhD in Applied Psychology from the University of the Punjab. I am teaching undergraduate and MPhil Classes. My research work is in developmental, educational and on social issues, and currently working on psychological articles and also conducting seminars. I am doing teaching and research for 15 years and my administrative responsibilities include being an advisor of psychological society, BSc Coordinator, member of the departmental undergraduate committee, member of the departmental purchase committee and In charge of departmental computer lab. Due to the extensive load of administrative responsibilities my research work has become stagnant. Our department creates opportunities for individuals to apply the knowledge that they gai n out of their academic experiences. I: How is the research work important to this University? S: I think it is the role of a university and the university is in the process of motivating researchers in doing research, but within this institution, I may not put more emphasis on the quality of work, as no one would do research. But if someone can produce a qualified research, it is quite appreciable. When a research is carried out it is important that the researcher should be put under supervision of the relevant faculty member. It is our job to facilitate them with all the essential directions and strategies. I: How is the research environment at this University? N: Our department of psychology gives sufficient chances to work together with the international community. We encourage our students and faculty members to take part in the seminars and workshops it is arranged at both the levels i.e. at national and international every year you can say I: What is the distribution of your responsibilities towards research? N: I have published 20 articles in the HEC recognized journal of social and clinical psychology and currently my two books are in the pipeline for publishing. In my opinion, having publication is a good thing because it can be an evidence for promotion. It is good to realize how these researches can be utilized in the practical way. Some researchers don’t publish their works. Having said that actual is administrative responsibilities, we as professors have high work load so it gets difficult to finish our research work that is why publications are due for quite some time. I: How much incentives you have available for conducting research? N: As social science is a dynamic system, it gives us more opportunities to do research because of its changes. Our thoughts right now may be changed in the future. Therefore the change of ideas can be the research topic itself. We should not limit our projects for studying current events in Pakistan, but look forward to the future or backward to the past, as well as observing other mysterious parts. In fact, the restriction of research is how people utilize research results for their monetary benefits. Some people understand that research in social sciences produces no monetary advantages. Therefore, we do not receive as much incentive as for other disciplines. I: How important is the collaboration with the international scholars? N: International exposure is very important if we want to excel as a nation. We do get opportunities to interact with foreign faculties for academic and research purposes. There are few universities abroad that have collaboration, capacity building and research development association with our university. I: How being an instructor, you judge the research work? N: Research plays a part in everything and we have projects to enhance research knowledge. The dean and administrative staff also support research activities. We have training programs about classroom research for developing teaching and research activities. Academics, which have no time to do research during working hours, have to do research as an overtime job. We encourage academics to do classroom research by beginning with small projects then moving to bigger ones later. We set classroom research training in the year 2004 and gained good response from our staff. We invited a qualified person to be a guest speaker and also did assessments after we finished the training course. We did this after 6 months to see whether academics had any research outcomes or not. We have never stopped helping academics to prepare for research funding. Moreover, at the beginning of May 2005, we provided training courses about how to write a qualified research proposal. We invited a national research er from the research fund regional office to teach and to inform us about the sources of funding. There were so many academics participating in this training course, and at least 10 lecturers who planned to submit their research proposals. I: What are the changes in the research situation from the past to the present? N: I think there is no difference between the levels of education. The level of education academics have, if they are interested in doing research, searching for answer, and utilizing the knowledge, then they have the ability to do research. The level of people’s ability to do research may differentiate because academics have inadequate fields of experience. Individuals who have more experience can see the world wider than the less experienced one. Therefore, the doctoral graduates usually have more knowledge than the lower qualified individuals because they have more opportunity to discuss with their advisors and other people. It drives those individuals to produce more research work, on the other hand when examining the quantity of work we cannot justify the claim that the doctoral graduates have more amount of work than the lower one. It depends on personal interest thus, it can be concluded that lecturers who have different levels of education may have different level of r esearch. Doctoral graduates do research for finding new knowledge, while the lower graduates may do research for utilizing knowledge and researching something that surrounds them. I: What is the impact that you think research can eventually make on your professional development and your institute? N: Psychologists are needed where there is a human factor involved. Our industry needs psychologist to ensure extended support, counseling and to encounter conflicts and then providing resolution. The researcher should not stop creating ideas because if he stops, he may not reach the desired destination of contributing to knowledge. This institute has two main responsibilities. Research is the most important task in introducing new technology and new knowledge, and this can then be shown to the public in the form of academic service. Our institution supports and encourages lecturers to do continuous research projects that bring benefits to institution, agriculturists, other people, and specific private companies who are interested in technological development. Therefore, research is a main duty for institutional development.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Podcast on Power and Control in the Book
Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen and Welcome to Connections in English. I am Frank Weng your host for this podcast series. Today’s topic we discuss the relationship of Power and Control between the novel of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and the film 1984. Power and Control is a strong element within everyday life and is also deeply touched on in the novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and the film 1984.Power and Control is defined as being able to perform and act efficiently with a dominating influence over a population, this theme is not just an element within a story but an issue that is met in everyday life, however Power and Control is heavily related to this particular novel and film for example, the view of a leader taking power all those around them, a person who has complete and utter control of their surroundings due to an elevated status or ability, this can be seen by both big brother in 1984 and nurse ratchet, or the big nurse in one flew over the cuckoo’s nest.The need to control all thought, eliminate any individuality and have all subjects thinking in a similar way, this is present in both texts with the person in control again being nurse ratchet and big brother/ the government Everyone you see has a glint of Power & Control, as going through school you meet bullies who are generally bigger and physically stronger than others, however it isn’t just physical strength. One could have a higher status in society (higher reputation) than others therefore have potential of grasping significant power and control.There are even individuals in this society who are born into a family with heavy power and control, The Mafia is a good example, Role models are depicted upon and are favored toward the person in control. Never the less you may never constantly maintain your power and control, the loss of power comes with the consequence of losing control. The Classic American novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nes t written by Ken Kesey has the aspect of Power and Control heavily impacted into the novel.The Chief is the narrator of the novel and he perceives the ward as a system, however he does not speak and pretends to be deaf â€Å"I had to keep on acting deaf if I wanted to hear at all†this shows personal control over himself. However, Nurse Ratchet or The Big Nurse is the head of the system in the ward as even doctors cannot control her. Harding quotes â€Å" We are victims of a matriarchy here, my friend, and the doctor is just as helpless against it as we are†. This clearly shows the loss of authority and control of doctors to Nurse Ratchet nd how she is in control of the system. However, in order for this system to work and maintain, she creates her routine that is never changed, that is until McMurphy is put into the ward. McMurphy is the one who can escape the ‘system’ and takes personal control, he demonstrates the possibilities the ward members can do a nd encourages them to look beyond the controls imposed upon them and wants them to have fun to feel competent and able to achieve things in the world.An example of this is when McMurphy Sneaks out with the ward members and takes them to the docks and steals the boats and go out to sea to go fishing also allowing one of the ward members to take control over the boat. It seems that the sense of own power and control gives happiness and cures their issues, an example of this is when Billy had spent the night and slept with McMurphy’s friend, as of this he began to stutter less. However Nurse Ratchet using her power and manipulates Billy’s mind ended with the result of him killing himself.Chestwick says â€Å"she grinds our noses in our mistakes†showing the authority and power of the Big Nurse. 1984 directed by Ridley Scott, Novel written by George Owell is the Big Hit Film that has the topic of Power and Control which is closely related to One Flew Over the Cuckoo ’s Nest. It is set in the post war England and it Expresses & maintains Power and Control through the use of fear, physical abuse, and threat of an imaginary war and the use of the new speak. War is Peace, Freedom is slavery, Ignorance is Strength†This is the slogan of the party which is saying that having a common enemy keeps the people of Oceania united, those who are independent are doomed to fail and inability of the people to recognize these contradictions cements the power of the authoritarian regime. Winston works at the Ministry of truth, this is where all of history is kept and saved and is changing history to reflect their current ideology of the party.The creation of new speak is to control the way they spoke used to prevent people from conceding any disobedient thoughts against the party and individual thoughts and ideas. â€Å"Never again will you be capable of ordinary human feeling. Everything will be dead inside you. Never again will you be capable of love, or friendship, or joy of living, or laughter, or curiosity, or courage, or integrity. You will be hollow.We shall squeeze you empty and then we shall fill you with ourselves†This is the main and most visible way through the film of power and control through the minister of Love, ironically this is where the party conducts their torture, mind controlling and brain washing to rehabilitate the misguidance of the citizens of Oceania. After Winston came out of room 101 â€Å"He gazed up at the enormous face, forty years it had taken him to learn what kind of smile hid behind the dark mustache.Two gin scented tears trickeled down his face, but it was alright, everything was alright, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved big brother†. Another clear way that is shown of control is how large screens of big brother are placed everywhere which is the perception of big brother always watching. Power and Control is a powerful aspect and can be used to manipulate others without realization. One flew over the cuckoo’s nest and 1984 is clearly shown of power and control both similar and both different.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
First-Time Buyers Essay
Housing is a common asset that most people regard as their biggest financial asset and the largest make-up of their wealth; the purchase of a house is usually one of the largest investments an individual will make, and therefore lower house prices may encourage more people to consider purchasing housing, serving as a more affordable investment. On the obvious side a fall in house prices will only encourage further demand for housing. A demand & supply analysis will show that the falling prices should theoretically allow individuals who are considering buying a house but holding back due to fluctuations in prices finally take the jump onto the property ladder – falling prices provides an incentive for individuals to make this large investment, particularly as in the long term the value of housing may also increase depending on the state of the economy. While falling prices may indicate a slump in an economy, it provides an excellent chance for people who previously may have not been able to afford a purchase to do so. It is also important to take into account that housing is also a necessity in any part of the personal life cycle, and therefore any fall in prices will create an opportunity and incentive. It also does not necessarily mean that first-time buyers must look to make a large investment immediately; extract two suggests that lower prices may allow considerers to think of renting property as an early ‘alternative’, helping save up for a single cash deposit which would then in turn allow first-timers to climb onto the property ladder. However, as stated in extract two falling house prices does not necessarily indicate a good environment for contemplating investors to finally make the choice of investing; there are numerous other costs to consider such as the availability of mortgages, described as ‘dropping to its lowest level for more than a decade’. The lack of mortgages may in fact serve as a deterrent to first-time buyers, preventing them from climbing onto the property ladder as there are numerous other costs to consider. Extract two also states that lenders have refused to drop their interest rates in line with the governmental cuts, and once again this will only provide a disincentive to first-time buyers no matter how low the price of housing falls. Rising unemployment and cuts in the subsidies budget towards building affordable homes will also serve to undermine confidence in the housing market. While the governmental cut in subsidies towards funding new affordable homes may not have a direct impact on a first-time buyers decision, it is important to note that this policy will contribute to the level of confidence in the housing market, an example being lenders no longer willing to cut their interest rates following suit of the government doing so; the government is offering little support in the housing market and many are therefore not willing to take the risks. The people that will lose out from this ultimately are the first-time buyers who will be deterred from making such a large investment particularly if lenders and the government provide little confidence in this market. Therefore, while the fall in housing prices may incentivise first-time buyers to some degree overall it is likely to only have a limited effect, as many buyers will still be put off by the inability to receive mortgages as well as the other numerous financial costs involved.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Importance Of Entrepreneurship During The World Countries...
A) The importance of entrepreneurship in 3rd world countries: One valuable lesson I learned through this placement that also pertains very much so to international development, is the importance of entrepreneurship in both the first and third world. Entrepreneurship is not the first thing that is taught to the average Canadian student when asked to decide what they want to do post graduating high school. I however believe it should at least be taught, if only to provide our youth with another option to look at after graduation, as a potential career path for them. Entrepreneurship offers people a chance to come up with unimaginable solutions to people’s problems, and provides the only true form of job security in today’s turnover style of market. It also allows people to reach their maximum potential in the workforce because people are willing to work harder, if they are working for themselves and towards their personal goals and dreams. For my four month co-op placemen t I was in a full time entrepreneurial position. Working for myself was such an amazing experience, as everything I achieved was towards my end goal, and the personal development I experienced over the past four months was absolutely astounding. I went from having an average amount of knowledge with regards to personal finance, to having an extensive understanding of the financial industry. In learning the skills, I now can continue to help individuals and families navigate the industry and advise them onShow MoreRelatedRelationship Between Entrepreneurship And The Economic Development Essay1314 Words  | 6 Pagesthe relationship between entrepreneurship and the economic development in Saudi Arabia. Entrepreneurship is the process of managing, organizing and developing a business venture in a competitive environment that is dynamic (Kuratko 2016 pp3). An entrepreneur is an inventor, leader, innovator, and pioneer and most significantly, a performer. 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