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The Relevancy of the Heartland - Hinterland Distinction in Canada's Economic Geology Until the mid twentieth century, Canada was e...

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Biological Determinism essays

Biological Determinism essays There are many ideas about human intelligence and a person's place in the world. It is interesting to look at an article about these ideas, and determine what thoughts the author is trying to convey. This article explored how the concepts of pre-determinism began as far back as the times of Socrates. It showed that while he did not feel the current generation could be swayed to his ideas, if he started influencing the younger generations, then his ideas would continue on The author pointed out that while many scientists rely on previous data as fact, few take the time to double check the numbers or results. They conduct their research on these previous findings, thus possibly continuing the cycle of misinformation. The article was found to be interesting for a number of reasons. It illustrated how entire civilizations can be persuaded to believe in biological determination by just introducing one concept and proclaiming it The author showed the two ways a persons' intelligence has been measured in the past, while also showing how current data is influenced by these past measurement methods. In the nineteenth century, a persons' skull size was an indication of their intelligence and place in society. Because women had small skulls, they were not considered to be intellectually equal to men. Scientists began to use a numerical system in which to gauge a persons' intelligence level. However, it was pointed out that these numbers were not reliable and could be influenced by various The author demonstrated how prejudges have existed for thousands of years, and were not always due to color or race. The earliest prejudges were actually due to rank among the classes of people. Citizens were brainwashed into believing they were predisposed to be in a particular ...

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